JeEz... profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

eRr..mY naME...naHHH..daTs nOT imPorTanT i jusT oRdinAry ppL..bUT aBnoRmaL...?? liKe To eaT...i eaT a LoT dis Time..and AlwaYs hungrY..i dunNo y.. coKe AddicT.. Dun likE sTay Home..HoMe is da Boring Place in Da wOrLd so..renuNg2kanLa... hangOuT...mUke Tak tAu maLu.. wHen ppL TaLk To me..i wiLL responD..n if sTuPid Thngs u aSk...StupId anSwer u wiLL geT..hoO iF u HiT me oNce...i HiT u MOre,moRe,anD morE!!! rEmeMber daT... if PpL nCE To mE,SaMe Thng i Do...haA jNis aku nih xskE mlayan orang kuaT Tacing nih...i dUn reaLLy3 liKe daT kinD of PeePs... mY fRen cKp uaT bODo n uaT bangang jer daTs woRkin...Thx 1 MoRe Thngs...veRy2 iMpoRTanT..i dun likE diS shiTT COPYCAT/BACKSTABBERS/LiARS/BITCH/ dis kinD is reaLLy2 noT aLLowed in mY,plEase geT ouT b4 i BloW youR AsS inTo waTever i like soRrY iF my EngLish noT workIng mucH im sTiLL sTdy.... hMM...TalK bouT sTdy...pnJg cT nyer...

My Interests

Comp NetwoRking SysTem.... im Workin on it...

I'd like to meet:

aNyBody...duN reaLLy minD.. iT couLd be You! mY..mY..mY.. dUnnO waT To saYView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


PeTeR pAn-SO7-gOod ChaRloTTe-aLL aMerican RejEcT-LeTTo-HuJaN-MUH-BiTTeRSweet-NidJi-unGu-pOp sHuViT-mY cHeMiCaL RoManCE-VE- sAvAge GarDen-InueNdO-TeaChers PeT- LiNkiN paRk-


-JuMpEr-ShaOLiN sOccEr-KuNg Fu HusTLe-LOTR- -ReSiDenT eViL-meeT da SparTan-Harry PoTTer- -HoRRoR n FreAk mviE-


-EvRyboDy loves raymond-malcolm in miD-My wiFe and Kid- My nAme is EarL-Heroes-SmaLLviLLe-SuPerNaTuraL- PearL mVie-


mY sELf...

My Blog

-Deep Inside of U-

Deep inside of you When we met light was shed,Thoughts free flow u said, you've got something;DEEP INSIDE OF YOU.A wind chime voice sound,sway of your hips round rings true Echo's;DEEP INSIDE OF YOU.T...
Posted by JeEz... on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 11:26:00 PST

JuZ LeT iT gO

Sumday or sumtimes mybe u'll find sumone that really hit ur taste, u luv the way she talks,luv the way she smile n even u luv the way she walks, but one day u're damn late, u never show her that u lik...
Posted by JeEz... on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 08:45:00 PST

cOuLd iT bE aNy HaRder

You left me with goodbye and open armsA cut so deep I don't deserveYou were always invincible in my eyesthe only thing against us now is timeCould it be any harder to say goodbye and without you,Coul...
Posted by JeEz... on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 08:42:00 PST