Woody.dmv profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I like to play drums and sing and scream and yell at people.I hate rainy days more and more lately, really put me in a horrible mood. I like to go out to a nice dinner and a movie sometimes. I like a nice pair of slacks. I drink beer pretty fast because I don't like it to get warm and I've never been able to hold onto a Koozie for more than a beer or 2. I really like playing tennis but I kinda suck. Maybe we could play a game? I'm not a great correspondant because I rarely l ik e talking on the phone for long periods of time, plus my cell phone tends to heat up after about 10 minutes. If I don't call you for a while it doesn't mean I don't care. I really like text messages,They can be so simple and effective. I feel like I have the best job in the world, come see me and Scott play at Buckhead Saloon and you'll see how much fun I have. I think I'd be happy to die on stage somewhere with a drumstick in my hand. My Mom taught me to sing when I was young, I'm not crazy about my voice but I really like singing. I'm a big fan of drinking and working out, although not always at the same time. I like cars and driving but have been having some bad luck in that department lately. I was born in Boston, Big Sox fan. Deal with it. I love to swim and ride in boats and on tubes and things of that nature.I dont like Charlotte drivers, the light's been green for 10 seconds people! Get on it and we'll all make it you selfish bastards! I geuss I have some mild road rage

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Actual Transcript - LAWYER: "Could you briefly describe the type of construction equiptment used in your business?" WITNESS: "Four tractors." LAWYER:"What kind of tractors are they?" WITNESS: "Fords." LAWYER: "Did you say 'four?'" WITNESS: "Ford.Ford.Like the Ford.It is a Ford tractor." LAWYER: "You didn't say 'four' you just said 'Ford?'" WITNESS: "Yes,Ford. That is what you asked me,what kind of tractors." LAWYER: "Are there four Ford tractors? Is that what there is?" WITNESS: "No,no. You asked me what kind of tractor it was and I said Ford tractors." LAWYER: "How many tractors are there?" WITNESS: "Four."

My Blog


Hello Anyone or Everyone, I'v been working on my page and profile a bit if anybody gives a damn. More to come later, I need to learn how to type without looking at the keys, Getting dizzy...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 11:45:00 GMT