beverly profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

i dfntely hav mood swings..ewn q ba!but it doesn't end wd dat,im into almost everytng..nme it and i'm into it! hehe..ewn q ba pro feelng q gs2 qng i-career lhat!haha!!=) im d typ of gal hu's makulet at tyms..msungit,,maarte?!nde noh!!i lyk meetng nu frnds..(dat's y i subscrbd @ frendster..)so..nytn els?! bsta..msg me 4 us 2 2k bout evertyn..juz anytn u wnt us 2! 4u 2 knw me betr..=)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

kht cno..bsta nde boring..=) human of all knds.he3!