"This Richmond band delivers melodic, driving, dramatic rock. Dark, playful and really pretty at the same time, kind of like that girl/guy you have a crush on." -- Star News (Wilmington, NC)Electronic Press Kit of Sorts (Interview):If George Harrison was right, and “It’s being here now that’s
important,†then Richmond, Virginia’s Marionette are well
on their way to proving his point. With melodies that range
from dark and brooding, to sunny and anthemic, this unlikely
quintet have come together to create an album rich in
complexity, yet sweet and inviting. Feeding on their past
endeavors (Classical, Jazz, Rock, and Post-Punk), Marionette
has successfully come together to forge an emblematic sound-
difficult to classify, but easy to enjoy. Live performances end
as simply and as quietly as they begin- a droning bell here, a
hand clap there- giving the audience a chance to both prepare
for, and to decompress from, the emotional effects of dynamic
energy characterizing their set. Cello, piano, synth, and vocal
harmony all assist the rhythmic foundation of guitar, bass,
and drums to propel their songs . In the end, however, it is
most likely the clean vocal and simple message that will
capture the ear of the listener. While the album title gently
reminds us that “you are here,†it is the high quality of
musical creativity packed into all 33 minutes of the E.P. that
ensures us Marionette is truly here to stay.
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)
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