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don Goliano

Foreign Policy Credentials: I can see Canada from the top of the Sears Tower and once crossed the bo

About Me

I was born in Blue Island, IL and raised in Beverly Hills/Morgan Park , on da southside of Da Windy City ( Chicago ... Chitown to the locals).
I got edumacated at Morgan Park High and Roosevelt University (Computing and Information Sciences) both of Chicago.
I'm a software consultant, specializing in manufacturing systems and healthcare.
My work takes me all over the place, I'm currently residing in Orange County, CA, though I still consider Chicago my base of operation. (base of operation.... Who am I... Agent 007?) My travels have taken me to Atlanta, GA; The UK; Denver, CO; Boston, MA; El Paso, TX; Raleigh/Durham, NC; Allentown, PA; Silicon Valley, CA; Scherreville, IN; back to Chicago; to where I am now. Phewww!!!
[UPDATE: As of Feb' 99, I'm officially back in Chicago. Thank GOD!!!]
The traveling is cool, as long as I'm not away from home too long. It's where I find my reality... my head, so to speak. The rest of the planet is okay, but my kind of town Chicago is.... My bad.
Having been in the Info Sciences field for 10+ years, my academic interests have gravitated towards quantum mechanics and the physical sciences in general. If I can stay put long enough, I may head back to the classroom... the thought of it is exciting!
Okay enough of the school/work related stuff!
My interests include, music, music, and more music, food (cooking and consuming), darts, reading and music.
My musical tastes run the gamut from Armenian Folk to Zairian Tribal Chants, however, I do have a problem with Country & Western, but I've heard some lately that's doable. My current favorites are Blues, Ambient (aka Chill-Out), Reggae and "World" music.
I play keyboards (synths) and can fake my way on bass guitar. One day I plan to get an upright bass, learn about 10 songs, join a little jazz trio or quartet and perform in smoky dives on the weekends.
I’ve been cooking most of my life. In my house, growing up, both my parents knew their way around da kitchen. Before I moved to Atlanta, I mostly cooked your average cookbook fare, but once in the Heart of Dixie I tossed the books, seasoned the cast iron and got down to some serious bidness!
I have a palate that will never be satisfied. I’m always on the look-out for new and exciting tastes and textures. My most recent enlightening was in ’90 with Indian food (curries and such). My next step was with every and anything Jamaican.
My favorite dish to date would have to be simple boiled crab legs and melted butter… and I mean lots of ‘em!!!
I began throwing darts in October of ’96 while visiting home. My homie Sam hooked me up... ever since, I’ve not been able to put ‘em down. It’s like playing cards or dominoes with a little physicality thrown in.
I’ve gotten pretty good over the years, but I’m still amazed by those who can hit any number at will.
To be continued...
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My Interests

Over the past 17 months, millions of Americans from across this country have taken part in the political process and built an unprecedented movement for change. The Obama campaign released this video which documents this grassroots movement and the supporters who serve as the backbone of the campaign.


Groove Chill 1

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Groove Chill 2 (in progress)

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