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I am here for Friends

About Me

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests

Create your own friendquiz here ~~~~~ Vegan Cooking (with my awesome Belgique Hard Anodized cookware), Work (I know, I know, but I love my job...) Home Improvement Projects (duh), Anything involving building things and buying new power tools!, Web Design, Playing Heads-up Poker and Chess with Mattie, Road Trips!, My PUPPIES! (& my KITTY!), Tanning (Who KNEW?!), Buying Mattie really expensive crap 'cause I LOOOVVVEEE my MATTIE!, Working Out at Concord!!, Dinner Parties, playing with Candy (the person, not the food), Graphic Design, Dancing around naked, Deep cleaning the house, Doing my signature "Granny Dance" (not naked... usually), Hot baths, Getting really really awesome deals (I am the QUEEN of getting really awesome stuff at ridiculous prices!!), Snuggling with my Mattie, Wearing Matt's T-Shirts, Flight of the Conchords, Joe Rogan, Burr Ground, French Pressed: Wallenford 100% Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee - (YUMMMMMY!), MetroMint Spearmint Water, Being Barefoot, Anything that requires me to be creative, inventive, or resourceful, Being helpful, My expressive TOES!, Reading, Using a ridiculous amount of Post-It Notes, Matching Clothes Hangers, My wonderful family (and friends that I never see... I'm gettin there, don't rush me! We'll play soon!), Being Silly, Furrowing my Brows, Typing with one hand, Spelling things correctly, Correcting other people when they don't spell things correctly ;), Staying HOME, Losing my cell phone (I do it all the time, so I figure that I must like doing it), FINDING my cell phone!!!, Smiling, Laughing, Sleeping, Living 4 miles from work and never having to drive in traffic!!, Monday Night - Movie Night!, Playing on MySpace when I have the time. :)

I'd like to meet:

I already met him.... Then I married him. Now he's mine. Ha Ha Suckers. :)


..- Wolf Parade - The Tea Party - Stabbing Westward - The Cure - Sarah McLachlan - Type O Negative - Scissor Sisters - Cracker - NIN - Tool - Sublime - Regina Spektor - Sisters of Mercy - U2 - Modest Mouse - Mr. Bungle - Train - Pixies - RATM - The Fray - Depeche Mode - Morrissey - Sneaker Pimps - Talking Heads - Billy Joel - Garth Brooks - The Cars - Primitive Radio Gods - Bjork - Erasure - Fiona Apple - The Corrs - Violent Femmes - Gravity Kills - The Cramps - Jethro Tull - Guided by Voices - RHCP - Chris Isaak - Pink Floyd - Moby - Offspring - R.E.M. - Toadies - Harry Nilsson - Pearl Jam - Enya - London after Midnight - Outkast - Crash Test Dummies - They Might be Giants - White Town - Seven Mary Three - David Bowie - Lorena McKennit - Garbage - The Tim and Bob Show - Steve Feinstein -


..Children of Men - The Crow - Searching for Bobby Fischer - The Big Chill - City of Angels - Never Ending Story. I'm down for a comedy or a chick flick any day - As long as it's a rental. I'm not going to the movie theatre! You can't make me! Okay, okay... Maybe when Sex and the City comes out I'll go to the theatre.


..The Wire - OZ - Scrubs - The Tudors - Grey's Anatomy - Sex and the City - Simpsons - Frasier - HGTV - Aquateen Hungerforce - I miss ROME!!!


..Love Robert Jordan Wheel of Time Series, Bitch : In Praise of Difficult Women by Elizabeth Wurtzel, Prozac Nation by Elizabeth Wurtzel, The Firm by John Grisham

My Blog


Matt's a VEGAN!!! I'm so proud of him. He told me tonight when he got home from work while I was making dinner. He was pouring the milk down the drain and throwing out the mayo and cheese while I was ...
Posted by Zara on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 07:51:00 PST

Easter Weekend!!

My mom’s side of the family is coming over for Easter Dinner on Sunday!  -Except for Michelle and Alex We’ll miss you two!  So there will be 12 of us.  We get off...
Posted by Zara on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 01:55:00 PST

Concord Athletic Club and Spa

Today Matt and I joined Concord!  Everything is finally settling down and now we can get into a routine.  I used to go to Concord as my friend Vicki’s guest about 10 years ago and I lo...
Posted by Zara on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 12:53:00 PST

6 Month Anniversary!

Well today is my 6 month Wedding Anniversary.  It's been a busy 6 months!Back in August of 2007, my awesome friends threw a full on Bachelorette Party Weekend for me.  We went to the club, we had a sl...
Posted by Zara on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 11:43:00 PST

My BABY!!!

Posted by Zara on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 11:27:00 PST

This is what happens when Zara leaves the house.

Saturday Night!   Best dollar I ever spent. ...
Posted by Zara on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 04:10:00 PST

Zara's Personality Type

Portrait of an INFP - Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving(Introverted Feeling with Extraverted Intuition) The Idealist As an INFP, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where y...
Posted by Zara on Sun, 19 Mar 2006 05:52:00 PST