David's for Obama! profile picture

David's for Obama!

Watch me stop stop traffic as I walk thru the room

About Me

Extremely liberal wannabe European.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Smart people with many, varied interests


Tori Amos, Shakira, Kasia Kowalska, Madonna, Kylie Minogue, Danni Minogue, Dirty rap songs, 80s hair bands


Saving Private Ryan, Brokeback Mountain, Erin Brokovich, Just a Question of Love, Forrest Gump


Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Nip/Tuck, Will and Grace, Brothers & Sisters, Lost, AbFab


Brave New World, Farenheit 451, 1984, Catcher in the Rye, Fastfood Nation, Animal Farm, Nickle and Dimed, On Liberty, What's the Matter with Kansas, Sprawl Kills