World Domination, Wolves (Being that I am one...), Gene Splicing, Armchair Athletics, Hentai, Manga, Anime, Video Games, Furry Woodland Creatures, Drinking Cleaning Products, Bouncing off the Walls, Salty Boots, Meeting New People and Playing Mind Games with Them, Cereal (Of just about any kind...), Armadillos, My lovity love love lover with a captiol LOVE, Making up my own Words and Phrases, Scaring Little Children, Eating, Being as Loud and Obnoxious as Humanly or even NONHUMANLY Possible, Drawing or Creating (I consider my characters to be like my children...), and Doing Completely Senseless Things You'd Probably Never Come up With.
My Youtube page I started a while back.
Jolly Jack's Collected Curios and Sequential Art
Chugworth Academy
Loserz. Cynical Punk-ass Teenagers
Better Days. Anything Jay Naylor
PBF Comics. A Conglomeration of Funniness.
I F-ING LOVE THIS COMIC!!! Flipside! It's where it's at!
And now for something different...
Someone who is willing to experiment with radiation. Someone who can really put the tentacle of justice in my life I've been craving all these long, excrutiating years...
Supah Cool Persons
Charles Gustafson
Nycki Czerneski
Candace Declue
Patrick Jungewalter
Marissa McClure
Matt "Smiley" Bliven
Luke Wiegan
Ashley Holland
Alyssa Chotrow
Kelsey Fulkerson
Jennifer Geist
Kevin Tosie
Thomas Cline
Jaqueline Metzler
Alex Lim
Alex Jove
Nick and Ryan Bell
Amy Perfater
Mia Rivera
Scott Ehrhard
Lily Harrison
Scott Ehrhard
Caitlin McClure
Brittany Hawkins
Missi Mest
Lauren Grommit
Brittany Heck
Joe Morris
Amber and Renee (Lol.)
This one time back in the bayou, daddy let me listen to one of them new fangled radios... I was astounded. It was like muh ears was listenin' to a choir of angels. Everything went downhill from there. I couldn't stop talin' about the music, as I found out they had been callin' it. It was a sensational feeling. But no one else understood me. I would drum on the county trashcans and get chased away by Clarence, the guard dog. Boy oh boy, did he give me the beating of a lifetime. But that still didn't stop me from giving up hope. Nuhuh. No sirree. I kept on keepin' on. Listening to the finest of Indie, Techno, Alternative, Classical Rock, and just about anything you could imagine. (Except Rap and that there Country Music.)
Too many to name. Ughhh.
Someone perferrably blue and fuzzy... Like Nightcrawler.
I hate when people consider movie stars their heroes. They're people just like us. Not aliens. Not superheroes. They just have a lot of money. Money is paper. How is it so valuable? Why would we want something that's so uselsss such as paper? Because it's supposedly valuable and has worth. THAT'S WHY!
adopt your own virtual pet!