Profile Generator
Well to start my name is Eloy. My bday is on Feb 21. Im a graduate from southdade class of 08!!!!!! Im a cool chill layd back kind of guy until someone messes with me.I love having fun,my family and friends mean a lot to me. My mom and my dad are my heroes there my everything there always there for me and support me with everything i do and I love them very much. oh and wait I can't forget about my other hero of course the HULK! Yea im a little to old to be saying that but its something I've watched since I was a little kid.I also love my family my awesome aunt's! my cool uncle' awesome cuzin's janelle and gio and the new addition matthew austin..I Have a lil bro named julian he's my best friend the kid is awesome wat can i say,and thats a little course on my life. ladies or new friends hit me up if anything message me or get at me on aim> El MaFioSo1802
Profile GeneratorD OcHo-Power 96 Commercial. Title:Imagine No PowerFilm I Made On The World Today..