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36 crazyfists. afi. alexisonfire. tori amos. a perfect circle. as i lay dying. bloc party. born from pain. david bowie. boysetsfire. michael buble. cancer bats. casey jones. city and colour. coheed and cambria. comeback kid. the cure. deftones. depeche mode. the draft. dredg. enter shikari. evergreen terrace. fall out boy. feist. the gathering. hatebreed. hot water music. ignite. incubus. jimmy eat world. joy divison. amy millan. mudvayne. kate nash. nine inch nails. orgy. parkway drive. pearl jam. placebo. poison the well. rise against. soilwork. snow patrol. team sleep. terror. thrice. tiger lou. tool.
fight club. 12 monkeys. house of 1000 corpses. donnie darko. le fabuleaux destin d'amelie poulain. a.i. the green mile. american beauty. the lord of the rings. saw I-IV. the nightmare before christmas. sleepy hollow. american history x. hearts in atlantis. forrest gump. into the wild. juno.
emergency room. desperate housewives. grey*s anatomy. king of queens. lost. american dad. family guy. will & grace. south park. simpsons. that 70*s show. brothers and sisters.
john irving - the cider house rules. michel houellebecq - elementarteilchen. paulo coelho - veronika beschliesst zu sterben. eric-emmanuel schmitt - monsieur ibrahim und die blumen des koran. isabell allende - das geisterhaus. craig kee strete - uns verbrennt die nacht. j.d. salinger - the catcher in the rye. peter hoeg - fraeulein smillas gespuer fuer schnee. marilyn manson - the long hard road out of hell. frank mccourth - die asche meiner mutter.