♥Sarah Emma-Lee♥ profile picture

♥Sarah Emma-Lee♥

Because of you....♥

My Interests


Life, Love and Everything in Between
Name:: Sarah Dean
Age:: 16
Birthday:: -
Hair Color:: Blonde
Eye Color:: Blue
Height:: 5'3
Heritage:: um..
Religion:: Catholic
Best Friend:: Christine Marie Zappone! ♥
How Long Have You Known Them:: 4 years
How Old Are They:: 17
When Is Their Birthday:: oct. 3
Who Is Your Loudest Friend:: Bop
Most Perverted:: Ross Cock for sure
Most Secretive:: Christine
Most Out Going:: Nikki
Quietest:: Hayley T.
Most Open:: Morgan F.
Most Likely To Become Rich:: Morgan R
Most Likely To Become Famous:: Earl
Do You Trust ALL Of Your Friends?: most of 'em
How Many Of These Friends Are Internet Friends?: 0
Are You Dating Someone One Right Now?: Yup
Do You Have A Crush?: um..duh
Who Is The Lucky Person?: Kenny Lashaway
How Long Have You Known Them?: 5 years
How Long Have You Been Together?: 6 months
How Did You Meet?: school
Who Is Your Celebrity Crush?: Channing Tatum
Where Are They From?: not sure
Do You Believe In Love?: Yea!
How About Love At First Site?: no..
How Old Were You When You Received Your First Kiss?: haha at like 9 first REAL kiss 12
What Is Your Ideal Hair Color?: Blonde
Eye Color?: Blue
Religion?: Christian or Catholic
Do You Want To Attend College?: Yea OSU!
What Do You Want To Major In?: Criminology
Do You Want To Get Married?: Of Course
At What Age?: 23 or 24
Do You Want Kids?: YES
How Many?: 2-3
What Will You Name Them?: Boys: Chase or Payton Girls: Bailey or Paige
Do You Think You'll Be Famous?: haha that'd be sweet
Current Favorite Band:: dont have one
Current Favorite Song:: Because of you - Ne-Yo
Least Favorite Band:: -
Least Favorite Song:: -
Song You Feel Describes Your Life The Most:: -
Who Is Your Current Band Member Crush?: -
What Band Are They From?: -
Favorite Genre:: rap/pop/country
Least Favorite Genre:: Emo
Are You Going To Lie?: No!
Have You Ever Wished Someone Would Die?: no
Have You Ever Imagined Someone Dying?: yea...
Do You Have A Dirty Little Secret?: haha
What's Your Strangest Habit?: i dont think i have one
Guilty Pleasure?: haha
Are You A Virgin?: yes of course
Have You Ever Lied About Your Name?: no
How About Age?: no
Religion?: def not
Do You REALLY Not Care About What People Say About You?: for the most part i dont care
Do You Trust Easily?: not really
Have You Ever Cheated On Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend?: no
Ever Been So Drunk You Couldn't Remember What Happend The Next Day?: haha no
Do You Read/Collect Comic Books/Manga?: no
Do You Secretly Watch Cartoons or Anime?: no
Do You Suffer From Any Mental Disorders?: NO!
Did You Diagnose Yourself Or Did A Doctor?: -
How Do You Want To Die?: asleep
Have You Ever Attempted Suicide?: NO!
Have You Ever Watched Someone Die?: no..and i never will
Ever Sat On A Grave?: no thats creepy
How You Ever Laid On One?: thats weird
Worst Prank You Did In a Graveyard:: i hate garveyards
Would You Rather Be Killed Randomly Or By A Serial Killer?: Randomly
Would You Kill Someone If You Didn't Have To Worry About Guilt Or The Law?: no! why would you do that?
How Would You Kill Them?: i wouldnt kill them
Drowned Or Burned?: drowned
Frozen To Death Or Hit By A Car?: Car
Suicide Or Accident?: Accident
Starvation Or Over Eatting?: Over Eatting
Die Young Or Die Old?: Die old of course
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