mUsIc, sHoPpInG, tELeViSIoN, cArTOoNs, pInk,dANCiNg n eTc...
aNyOnE wHo SeRiOuS In fReNsHIp
hIp-hOp n RnB
LoRd oF tHE RiNgS, bRiNg iT On, mY beSt FriEnD WEdDiNG, n EtC... coULdN'T LiSt aLL oF thEm...
fRiEnDs, gILmOrE gIrLs n tHe pOweR pUfF gIrLs...
pLiZZ!! i dOn'T wAnT tO tALk aBoUt bOoKs AnYmOrE!!!
mY pRInCe!!