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found this music layout at HOT im ToTallyy HMM.. ME!!!!! im really special.. and hard to understand but one u really figure out or decipher me.. once u look deeply into me just as looking into my eyes, and gettin lost in them , once u tell. that thers only one real love.. and the others are just too feel a small part of the huge blank.. emptyness the other one left u..that other one.. is the only thatis real..the only one that matters..and really u just have to wait.. and mayb it..ll hurt. probably it will.bleed..but u see.. it will be worth waiting .. those years..u only love dont stop loving.. and i hope someone shows me meanwhile what happines means..and will know some of my heart puzzlez, my "me-puzzles" and know why im like i am.. u will really say.. omg.. shes so________.... what u see is hot chocolate but u will never now if it was vainilla.. weird?? ,no i dont really think so.. otherwise..i am as normal freak as YOU ARE.. ((for ""NORMAL PEOPLE))HMM I LIKE muZIK..MUZIK..LOL drinkin n ..geTTing drunk.. wiTh VODKa..jb..( aT SCHOuL.mayb..**)purple, red, black..ROOUSES!!DRINK..ciggarreTeS..waiTin for my only Tru love To cum!! see ya at eternity:D