No one in particular. Unless your maybe Paul Freakin' McCartney or possibly Johnny Depp.Actually, I'd like to hear from people I haven't talked to in a while
I really like any music, as long as it moves me somehow. Either physically or emotionally. The only music that doesn't move me (except to turn the staion on the radio) is country. Garth Brooks may be exempt from that statement. I pretty much came out of the womb knowing every Beatle lyric. I freaking love them!!!! I really do have an appreciation for all music, too many to even mention.
I absolutely love Scary/thriller movies!!!!!!!! I love that rush!!Halloween was a staple in my house while growing up. I also will watch, love & memorize, any movies envolving Johnny Depp! But I have to say that my all time favorite movie is (drum roll) Alice In Wonderland.
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The Mad Hatter
Tweedle Dee & Dum
Queen of Hearts
Cheshire Cat
White Rabbit
I love Grey's Anatomy. I also like Law and Order SVU, good stuff man!! For the kid in me I would have to say that I still love Spongebob! Oh yeah.....and of course....any Lifetime movie.Yes, I still watch Days of Our Lives by the way, and the recycled storylines are still as great as they were 10-15 years ago!!
Alice In Wonderland!!!!!!!! Everything like my movies....scary/thriller/mystery.I really love all the Gregory Maguire books ( you know...the guy who wrote Wicked)Unfortunately the only things I have time to read are my text books.
I know it sounds corny but I would have to say my mom. she's been through a lot in life and can still greet you with a smile. Although I love her dearly, I think she's the one who passed on the Kastanza Curse to me.