The Merve profile picture

The Merve

Greatest French-Canadian Metal band of ALL TIME!!!

About Me

I like to be fierced up and aggro

My Interests

getting tuff, banging my head 'til the blood runs red

I'd like to meet:

hot chicks


thor's hammer


rocky III, Laura Harris in Bride of Frank II: Toxic Sleepover


alf, the a-team, knight rider,airwolf, buck rogers, stangers with candy


maddog, mainframe, paydirt, andy partridge, and lee van cleef

My Blog

check out my b(log) motherfuckers!

yo, shit dawgs!  long time no fuckin' see! so where's the MERVE been?  spreadin' the good word, brothers!  it's been hotter than cat's cooter out there lately, but that ain't stopped m...
Posted by The Merve on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

let me tell you something...

Man, You what i don't like? some phoney bullshit. you know, man...i like my life pekar-style - no phoney crap. it's a rough goddamn world, and i'm just here to see my way through. i don't like ...
Posted by The Merve on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

stay away from daddy's cookies...asshole.

man, so i went to 7-11 to play a little choplifter and pick up some nutter butters, man, them things are good. anyway, i go over to matties and swollhorn's ass is fuckin' floating around in the ab...
Posted by The Merve on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i'm down buds...

man, some days stink drifts away from you and some days the shit flies right in your face. i can't really tell what's going on with mattie and crystal. they've been friends forever and shit, hey wha...
Posted by The Merve on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

would y'all watch this? man, sometimes i feel like a dirty hobo.

Nestled in the Heart of the Shenandoah Valley, sleepy little Peabody, Virgina might double as Anytown, U.S.A. It's the home of family values, Happy Camper Cookies, the Morris Co. Slaughterhouse...and...
Posted by The Merve on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

maybe you've never heard of them...

but check it. Thor's Hammer. Greatest Metal Band of ALL TIME. if you never hear them, wake the fuck up. it's time to get your head out of your ass. Pepper LaFonte is the greatest vocal stylizer...
Posted by The Merve on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

alright, here's what i'm looking for...

two of my best buds, ben and laura, have been gettin' on me about my sweet lady. so, i've looked deep inside my soul and asked myself, "what am i looking for in a woman?" fuck it, man. here's wha...
Posted by The Merve on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

well, i ain't holla'd at y'all ina while...

things have been kinda slow lately. i just been kickin' in the woods by myself lately. some of my friends are back in town. they been representin' over in the orient and all. i'm hoping that they'...
Posted by The Merve on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

yo, check out my x-mas mix! tell me what you think

1. Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - Minor Place 2. Jawbreaker - the boat dreams from the hill 3. incredibad - the heist 4. Jobriath - street corner love 5. the smiths - girl afraid 6. genesis - back in n....
Posted by The Merve on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

dang, christmas is already here.

yo, i know a hottt party going on in richmond on new years. you can bet the merve will be all up in there spikin' the 'nog and shit! owww! no progress on the jennifer churchhill front yet. ...
Posted by The Merve on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST