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Hey there!!
I'm Aline, Aly, I'm 18 years old and I'm from Italy.. No, Brazil. No, I was born in Brazil...
Ok, let me try again.
Hey there!!
I'm Aly, eighteen, from Milan, Italy.
I love this wonderful, crowded city!! It's like a smaller version of NYC!! (Well, to be honest I've never been to NYC, not yet.)
People say I'm sweet, chatty, outgoing, crazy, stubborn, lazy, such a sleepyhead LOL, a little bit fussy, intelligent, cool, fun and... what else? LOL
Yeah, insane! I think my insanity is due to that time, when I was about 5 years old, I was dancing and jumping about and I saddenly fell and BANG!! That hurt!!! LOL
I'm really, really shy. People say it doesn't show, but I'm sure it does.
I love having fun, going wild and playing tricks on my friends. I love music and if I could, I'd sing 24/7.. but I'm tone-deaf LOL.
I love dancing too.. but I think it's due to my Brazilian blood LOL
What else? I've got the biggest name I've EVER seen and I love my second name, Stefani *.* .
I've got a huuuuuge family which I love so much, especially mum because my parents are divorced and I've never spent more than 2 hours with my father LOL
I guess mum and my sisters are the three most important persons in my life. <3
Oh, I'm sure you'll gonna ask it ( at least people always ask me LOL especially the Italians)... my name, ALINE, is a French name which my mother heard in a song and decided it was going to be mine. She's weird!
I don't like studying but I love writing, reading and going to school.
I don't like when my room is a mess but I'm the only one who messes it up! LOL
I love pizza! Well, to be honest I love everything I can eat LOL but pizza, french fries, hamburgers and pasta are my favourite food. LOL
I hate all those pigeons in Duomo Square!!
I LOOOOOVE my friends (L) Can't live without them. They are my second family.
I'm afraid of spiders and snakes and almost every insect!! Last time I saw a spider I screamed so loud that my neighbours from the first floor came upstairs to see what happened LOL
I love dogs and tortoises! They're cool!!! I wish I had a dog, but mum doesn't want any pets, except myself.
I'm a brilliant student (they said LOL what an honor!). My teachers love me (I still can't find the reason why LOL) and I love some of them. This last year at school will be so much fun! I'm planning tons of pranks LOL
Have i told you what I do in my spare time?
...In my spare time I like looking after my five, lovely, rowdy nieces (L). I play with them all the time and teach them everything I know. (yeah, nothing you might say LOL)
I also listen to music, hang out with my friends, go to the cinema or to a pub.. but I like staying in too.
Uhm... I'm insecure. Yeah, really insecure. And curious. I make loads of questions and I can get really annoying!! But when I'm not in my moody day, I can be very funny too. (I don't have many moody days, luckily)
I love talking. I could hold a conversation for hours if the subject interests me. And even if it doesn't. Last week Jenny and I talked about hamburgers for 2 hours non-stop. xD
Well, I think it's enough, isn't it? I'm not used to talk about myself that much O.O I like listening the most and now it feels like I've just written a book about me! O_O
That's it. That's me.
And.. I don't want you to love me.. but I will be really glad if you don't hate me! LOL
My Top Friends <3 :
Veve , Veeeroh , Fede .

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