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Introducing the all new GRIMM!!! Now made with real MILK CHOCOLATE!!

About Me

I am Grimm...Grimm am I....
My real name is Will, but if you want some respect from the start, call me Grimm.
Not really looking for that love of my life/wifey type girl. A brotha wants to have some fun, and enjoy life single for awhile. I've been in a few stressful relationships to wanna get back into another. Whether a woman is good or is great, doesn't matter.
But if I was looking for my life partner, she'd have to possess some of these qualities and more:
I'm not a picky man usually when it comes to a woman. I do look for certain things in a woman that will agree with me. First thing is self respect and love. Alot of women do not fully understand that if you love yourself and respect yourself a man will love you that much more and you WILL BE HAPPY. I also ask that a woman respects me and my friends, because I don't hang around people that dont respect me. My friends give respect to people I know because of me, because I show them that much respect. I dont care too much for a woman that drinks heavily or smokes heavily. And even though I drink and smoke its not one of those things that I have no control over and I dont do it excessively or everyday. Especially drinking...I've seen alcohol tear apart families and destroy people from the inside out. To me alcoholism is as bad an addicition as crack.
Secondly I look for a woman that can communicate with me on all levels. I am an intelligent man, it has taken time for me to build the knowledge that I have. A woman does not have to be a brainiac to be able to communicate with me. She just needs to know how to hold a conversation. Talk to me like we been friends for a long time and not as if you're interviewing me for a job position. Speak to me with an open mind like you are willing to learn who I am or what I know. Leave your self judgement and judgement of others behind and watch how smoothly we grow on each other. Be honest with yourself and with me. I have heard women say some of the craziest things to me, but I am unfazed by it. If you are not open and honest, I will know, because in time it will show.
Thirdly I look for a woman that has values and goals in her life and that she is focused, motivated, and determined to achieve those goals. This kind of woman recieves happiness when she achieves those goals and knows that sometimes the hard work and effort she puts in it is worth it. If you're lazy and dont want to do anything, please do not hit me up. You can be the sexiest woman in the world but if you're not doing anything or do not want to do anything with yourself, then you dont want me in your life. My last relationship lasted almost 7yrs and the main thing I wanted her to do was make her life something. No matter how much support and motivation I tried to give her, it just didn't work. All she wanted to do was smoke and drink her sorrows away when it really is that much easier to let the pain of the past go and aim for happiness in the future.
Fourthwise, I look for a woman that loves life. A woman that loves to laugh and can take a joke as well as dish it out. Laughter helps to relieve tension, stress, and negative emotions. A woman that is too serious all the time is not for me. I like to laugh and even in the toughest and extremest of situations I will always find away to laugh. Why cry when you can laugh? The woman I deal with makes sure that she can enjoy life to the fullest even if we have nothing to eat or no money in the pockets. She should be able to see the brighter side of almost everything even when I can't. When I'm down, she'll bring me up, when she's down I'll bring her up. If I seem held back or reserved as though I dont want to talk or deal with someone, she's right there trying to get me back to my usual self. Drama free, no hassles, carefree as if she has no worries. She blames no one for the life she's lived and never regrets what she's done in the past.
My woman should know that life is about growing, learning thru experience, and gaining knowledge of self. She is not afraid to educate herself when she knows nothing of a subject. When she makes a mistake she will own up to it, learn from it, and not do it again. Mentally she will keep positive and not stress the negative. She understands herself completely and is happy with who she is. If some parts of her do not agree with me, she will do what she can to change that in order to keep her man. Because I will do the same. Education is not always an academic thing for her but should love to learn. Why not pick up that book you keep looking at because of the title or cover design? If it interests her in the least bit she will have to know more about it and will find out. She should be a person about self development and improvement. That is growth on all levels. If a woman is with me, then we will grow together.EMOTIONAL STABILITY
God I cannot stress this enough. I've met too many women that have let the problems of their past reflect on them in the present and determine their future. From abusive relationships in the past, to issues of trust and low self esteem. My woman should have found away to release all that built up in her and not let it come back in. A low self esteem means she will want more attention or want to be left alone. My woman should be able to look in the mirror with love for herself. She smiles because she is alive and can breathe. She smiles because she's happy to have another day at gaining more happiness. A woman that loves to wake up in the morning even on a gray and rainy with appreciation is beautiful. A woman that can find the good in a bad situation is understanding and positive. A woman that will no doubt herself is strong. Independence is great as long as woman knows she can depend on me in her time of need.
There is nothing wrong at all with feeling sexy. A real woman knows that. But my woman will also know the boundaries of her sexuality. If she is with me she will not put herself out there sexually to other men. A woman can love sex and find ways to keep it exciting and fresh. That kind of woman I like. She does anything and everything to reach that point of orgasm. That kind of woman wont have to worry about me wanting other women but understands that I am a man and will find other women attractive. But if I have that woman she knows I wont pursue another. The woman I want will not be jealous of the women I know or other women at that. Why should she be when she knows that what she has is a good thing? Being freaky in the bed is great. But that woman will be my freak and my freak only.
Skin color, hair color, or physical attributes are not really things I look for in a woman that I will call my own. Other than that if I deal with a woman on a different level, it is what it is.

My Interests

Add me on MyspaceIM...grimm_factor is my ID

Add me on Yahoo IM...music_man2k5 is my ID

Add me on AIM...grimm560 is my ID

Add me on Live Messenger...[email protected] is my ID

I'd like to meet:

I like meeting new people that are most like me. If we click on many levels then you have a friend in me. I can tell who's real or fake because real people will not fake being themselves and fake people can never be themselves.


How bout some music from Grimm??


Grimm at work

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Super Mario 64 Defeated in 16min

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My Blog

The Person Responsible for Your Success

The Person Responsible for Your Successby Jack CanfieldIt's time to meet the person who has been responsible for the life you live right now.This person has created your income, your debt, your relati...
Posted by Grimm on Fri, 23 May 2008 10:17:00 PST

Decide What You Want

Decide What You Wantby Jack CanfieldIn order to get what you want, you must first decide what you want. Most people really foul up at this crucial first step because they simply can't see how it's pos...
Posted by Grimm on Fri, 23 May 2008 10:16:00 PST

Putting Fear in it’s Place

Putting Fear in it's Placeby Jack CanfieldAs you move forward on your journey from where you are to where you want to be, you are going to have to confront some of your fears. Fear is a just a natural...
Posted by Grimm on Fri, 23 May 2008 10:08:00 PST

Message from Rhonda Byrnes

Message From Rhonda ByrnesCategory: Goals, Plans, Hopes"I sent Rhonda the direct link to the thread where members here wished her a Happy Birthday and she most recently ( an hour ago ) sent me this me...
Posted by Grimm on Fri, 23 May 2008 10:07:00 PST

Being The Best

BEING THE BEST"You stop being average the day you decide to become a Champion, because the average person won't make that decision." -- Tom Hopkins"Take pride in what you do. The kind of pride I'm tal...
Posted by Grimm on Fri, 16 May 2008 09:24:00 PST

Guilty Pleasures. Feeling Guilty about being Happy

Guilty PleasuresFeeling Guilty about Being HappyHappiness is an experience we all long for and deserve in our lives. We may wish for the happiness that comes with a much-needed vacation or an exciting...
Posted by Grimm on Fri, 16 May 2008 09:22:00 PST

How to achieve your goals effortlessly, guaranteed. By David Cameron

2 Free Audio LecturesHow to use law of Attraction PrinciplesTo Create Multiple Streams of IncomeHow to Achieve Your Goals Effortlessly, GuaranteedDavid Cameron Gikandi,"A Happy Pocket Full of Money"Ca...
Posted by Grimm on Fri, 16 May 2008 09:19:00 PST

Happy Mom Dukez Day!!

Some poetry inspired by momma. You know how I do, on the spot shit. Lol I'm a writer. What did you expect?By Me.Momma...Ohhhh Momma.I love thee more than you knowMomma...Ohhhh Momma.You taught me how...
Posted by Grimm on Sun, 11 May 2008 09:48:00 PST

How to ask for exactly what you want and nothing less!

************************************************************ ***************************Feel Free to RepostPeace, Love, and Abundant Blessings,Simonehttp://www. myspace. com/thesecretlawofattractionEFT...
Posted by Grimm on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 11:56:00 PST

Analyzing the Path - Recognizing Happiness

Analyzing The Path Recognizing Happiness Those of us on the path of personal and spiritual growth have a tendency to analyze our unhappiness in order to find the causes and make improvements. But it...
Posted by Grimm on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 11:55:00 PST