Doing fun activities with my family like, gardening, swimming, the park, the library
only good music
Friends and Sex and the City <--what! both those shows were canceled?? i need to watch some new TV
I love to read, I like mysteries and non fiction about child rearing, attachment parenting, geriatrics, homemaking
BIRTH STORYI went in to the hospital on Tuesday night with David, we were starting to induce the baby the day after my due date. Tuesday night was pretty easy, I dilated to 4 cm by midnight and started some light contractions. My water broke around 8 on wednesday morning, I was disapointed to learn i was still only 4 (maybe 5) cm dilated and by that point the contractions were coming about every 3 minutes by then. I did a pretty good job handling them, I got up and changed positions frequently and was able to breathe or moan through them. At about 4 in the afternoon i was STILL 4 (maybe 5) cm dilated and it didn't look like she was going anywhere. We decided to start a tiny bit of Pitocin to get things rolling. The nurse hooked it up to my heplock and immediately a BIG contraction started, but it did not stop, the nurse was watching the monitor and turned to look at me (i was sobbing at this point) she realized the contraction had not stopped so she just reached over to my IV and unhooked the pit. my contraction stopped almost immediately. I got back into bed and we decided to try pit one more time and an even smaller dose, the same thing happened again, I went into a hyper contraction that did not stop until the pitocin was stopped. The baby's heart rate was doing okay at this point, it wasn't dropping low but it also wasn't reacting as well as it should. We all knew things weren't going well at this time so I started on some oxygen by a mask and my IV fluids were put on wide open (my arm got so cold so fast!) The OB came in about then and started talking about a c-section, I knew it was time but i was so disappointed and just cried and cried even as i agreed that labor was going no where (20 hours at 4 cm dilated) and the baby needed to come. Everything went into high speed then, the anestesiologist came in (luckily I knew him) and talked about the spinal he would have to do. David was great through all of this, stayed calm even though i know from the time they started the pit he was very scared. They wheeled me into the OR and started the spinal (after 2 tries and alot of digging!) and layed me down on the table. David came in fully gowned up as they put up the divider. They did alot of checking to make sure i was numb. Being numb like that and awake was so odd. David said I asked him if they were cutting yet and he looked and told me they were already digging inside of me. Sometime around here they started saying in stuff about her looking like a big baby and being really wedged in there. Then i remember hearing her cry and saying, I know that voice! they held her up around the curtain so I could see her, she was purple as heck but screaming loudly. Then David and the pediatrition came around with her all bundled up and i got to kiss her head before they took her to the nursery, her apgars were 8 and 9. The putting me back together again took almost an hour then i was taken to recovery. I only had to be in recovery for about 30 minutes, the spinal wore off quickly and easily. They brought me back to my room and a couple minutes later David came in with Maggie! I couldn't believe how big she was 9 pounds 7 ounces, she looked so chubby to me! She started nursing right then, very easily and hasn't stopped since. I got up and started walking within an hour of returning from recovery and I think that really helped my recovery and we were able to be discharged 36 hours after she was born. We are at home now and doing great!