People who speak the king's rule: if I don't know you, and you try to add me as a friend without saying anything to me first, no dice(That doesn't apply to pornbots, of course I'll be your friend!)." Item, a maiden who believes in education and possesses it, with a few hundred thousand dollars to boot, and a taste for slumming. Item, the leader of a sort of informal salon where girls congregate, read papers, and daringly discuss metaphysical problems and candy-a sloe-eyed, black-browed, imperious maiden. Item, a very small maiden, absolutely without reverence, who can in one swift sentence trample upon and leave gasping half a dozen men. Item, a millionnairess, burdened with her money, lonely, caustic, chained up to the rock of her vast possessions. Item, a typewriter-maiden earning her own bread in this big city, because she doesn't think a girl ought to be a burden on her parents. She quotes Theophile Gautier, and moves through the world manfully, much respected, for all her twenty inexperienced summers. Item, a woman from Cloudland who has no history in the past, but is discreetly of the present, and strives for the confidences of male humanity on the grounds of "sympathy." (This is not altogether a new type.) Item, a girl in a "dive" blessed with a Greek head and eyes that seem to speak all that is best and sweetest in the world. But woe is me!-she has no ideas in this world or the next, beyond the consumption of beer (a comission on each bottle), and protests that she sings the songs alloted to her nightly with no more than the vaguest notion of their meaning. "