In no particular order of importance....Hanging out with mom & dad. Friends. Love to relax. Music. Ice cream. Puppies. Connor. Pismo. New Years in Canada. Being at home. Cooking. Sushi. Driving my car. My couch. Watching movies in my underwear. Coffee, Chai & Beer (not all at the same time). Being married. Pike's chaos. BBQing. Snuggling with Eric. Sweats. Playing bust a move. Laughing. My house.
JIM & PAM =)
I like a lot of different types of music...anything you can dance with the top down...or relax to. Songs remind me of times in my life, some happy & some sad.
I love watching comedies & action movies. I don't care for any type of science fiction. I'm a simple girl & like to stay as close to real life as possible. I will watch very few chick flicks...I don't fall easily for that crap.
so...I'm a nerd. Discovery, travel, history, national geographic, discover health...I have a facination with how things are built or made...Dirty Jobs...Poker...won't play but I love watching it....MY FAVORITE SHOW OF ALL TIME HAS TO BE THE OFFICE