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Ok, about me....~Im 28
~I have my own apartment and I love living alone but it gets a little lonely sometimes......
~My friends are the funniest people on the planet. If it wasn't for them, I don't know what I would do......
~I love to read. I am lucky to have a job where I can read most of the day.........
~I love to take pictures and have been known to be pretty obnoxious with a camera...........
~I want to travel. I am hoping that next year I will be able to travel to FAR, FAR AWAY places.............
~My nephews are the cutest things ever. I love spending time with them..............
~I am calmest at the beach. Nothing makes me happier than the smell of the ocean................
~I like being tan..................
~I definitely think blondes have more fun..............
~My family is crazy but I love them anyway...............
~I love a good night at the bar.................
~I'd rather shop for house stuff then clothes or shoes.
~I like to shop but never seem to find anything unless I don't have money..................
~I love all animals but most of them scare/intimidate the hell outta me...................
~I would love a dog. or a horse. or a chimp...........
~ I HATE sitting in my car and being able to hear the "tricked out" ..87 Corolla's thumping music from the car down the street. That is NOT appreciating your music. that is just annoying............<
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