Martial Arts -
Paranormal Investigateing -
Bikeing/hikeing -
Online gameing; World of Warcraft, Azgalor server;
Star Wars Galaxies, Starsider server
I've met many and varied people in my life already and I have to say that I would really like to visit with those I've already met. I miss some of my old friends like Tommy Baswell, Steven Long, Mark Cobbs, Steve James, Mark Dacascos, Tony Horton, Michelle Wilson, and Darren Johnson to name a few.People I'd love to go back in time to meet would have to be Miamato Musashi, Bruce Lee, Ed Parker and other martial artists that I'd love to learn from.
Anything with great lyrics. There are too many new groups out there who just focus on a good beat and they repeat words over and over again with ALOT of whineing. So, I prefer 70's and 80's bands that had both great music and lyrics. My all time fave performer is Rick Springfield......oh, and most of the hair bands from the 80's.
A movie has to have a beginning, middle, and an end. You know, a script. And I HATE movies that are mostly cgi.A movie that touched me more than others was Best of the Best.
History Channel, Travel Channel, anything with a bit of intelligence.I HATE cartoons, redneck shows, and other brain dead media.
Le' Morte DeArtur, Once and Future King, and The Book of Five Rings by Musashi are books I grew up reading. I think the person I am now came from those books.currently reading the Star Wars X-Wing series
my preferance is a plain meatball sub with extra cheese.