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The Asher's Live @ the WormHole... Video work by Lon!
I was there... right there in the lower left corner, being short! :)
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Great Joe Strummer
I am Shannon and this is my page… I am too old to be happy about my age but fortunately I still act like a teen :)
I am a student and am striving to have my bachelor’s degree early next year. (crossing fingers)
My cake would be my salvation, my children, husband, and my friends :)
The icing on my cake would be punk music, concerts, tats, piercings etc. I love the unconventional and think that people would be happier if they learned to find beauty in our differences.
My life.. it is like a movie with an ever changing genre. And well, you should hear this soundtrack – it is vast!
I am a Christian. To me that means not “acting†a part but treating others as Christ would. You know.. for I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.' Matthew 35
My ultimate goal is to raise two (maybe three :) strong, selfless children who as adults, love and care for others. Who share their lives and belongings with others. Never holding on to things but holding on to what is important – people.
Ok and now something silly about me..
if I could go back in time and do ANYTHING, I would go back to 1988 - Berkeley, CA – Operation Ivy concert. I would skank until I passed out then go home with Lint (tim Armstrong)
haha :) hey a girl can dream, right?
~EMPOWERED~ Created by Lands
SaVaGe - Created ~ by LaNdS!
Photo taken in my backyard by Lon!)
I wish I could have captured the pit during
the song Reach for the Sky... a mist,
rockin' mohawks, all arms in the air,
everyone moving in unison - AMAZING!
RuBy SoHo