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I am here for Friends

About Me

What can I say about myself that won't change five minutes from now?I love what I love, when I love it, and when I'm done, I'm done.Generally, new shoes, books or chocolate can make me smile.I'm self centered, generous, childlike, semi-adventurous, and would kill to protect those i love. I am fierce and fragile, romantic and cranky and I find almost everything funny.I also make and sell jewelry on Etsy.comHere are some of my items.

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My Blog

Tidbit of Senility

So I'm scooping out the cat litter box last night, and I suddenly realized it was almost midnight and I had to return a couple of DVD's.I jumped into my shoes, grabbed the dvd's and raced to my car. I...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Jun 2009 11:26:00 GMT

The good, the bad, the batshit crazy

In general, I don't use this space to vent about things that REALLY bother me.  I may gripe about the olds, or some stupid ghetto situation, but i usually am over the negative feelings within a few ho...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Apr 2009 07:47:00 GMT

A tale of two Kitties

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.....or something like that. Everyone who's anyone knows that my kitty (Kitteh) has been with us for a year now. We rescued his furry butt and brough...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Apr 2009 20:55:00 GMT

Perhaps I have become ghetto-ized. And I don't mean ghetto fabulous.

I am beginning to see some things as "normal"  And that worries me. For example.... In the drive thru, waiting to get my morning caffeine jolt, I am approched by a man wearing a red jacquard ball cap,...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Apr 2009 07:33:00 GMT

I always wanted a boyfriend who wears a shower cap in public

There is something to be said for a little flirtation.  Let's say you are at the grocery store or the bank or at a restaurant, and the cashier/teller/waiter(ress)  gives you a smile or makes a little ...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Mar 2009 11:55:00 GMT

For the ladies, religious or not.

I have a buddy on Etsy whose shop centers around vagina and all things divinly female. She and I have become great pals, and she recently shared with me a request that she got for a custom painting. I...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 09:23:00 GMT

the bullshit factor

i can't speak for any of you, but personally, i see and put up with a LOT of bullshit at work. I have had senior citizens lecture me, pray over me, scream at me, spit on me and fart in my office.   I ...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Mar 2009 21:51:00 GMT

The BMV lady saw my vagina

Did you ever go to the BMV ( ok, ok,  Secretary of State for my Michiganders), or to the library or the post office or....well just anywhere really and encounter a very harrassed, very stern, very UNH...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Feb 2009 19:59:00 GMT

Manna comes in many forms

Man,  I miss the dollar Whopper. Remember the dollar whopper? Seems to me that every summer, BK used to run that special. A whopper for a buck. Or sometimes it was two for two dollars. Man, there...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Nov 2008 04:55:00 GMT

scrapplin for quarters

I have officially seen it all.   The pepsi machine at work is notorious for gobbling up quarters and then smugly refusing to give you a soda. Somehow a trend began where the victim of gobbled ...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Nov 2008 16:54:00 GMT