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You get one chance... are you ready to meet God tonight?

About Me

Well here's a quick test:
Have you ever lied before (even a little "white lie" or fib; don't say no because babies lie before they can talk)? So what does that make you?
A liar.
Have you ever stolen anything before (regardless of value -- and yes this includes not paying bills, getting friends to give you free stuff from their jobs, and not telling the cashier they gave you too much change)? So what does that make you?
A thief.
Have you ever looked at someone with lust? Jesus said to even look with lust is adultery. (And if you say you've never lusted, you just admitted to being a liar so I don't believe you.) So what does that make you?
An adulterer.
Have you ever took God's name in vain (even just one time -- or how about calling out the name of God when you weren't calling on Him in prayer)? So what does that make you?
A blasphemer.
So GOOD person... you've just admitted to being a lying, thieving, adulterous blasphemer. Still think you're ok??
God set His perfect standards (the 10 commandments) and He expects us to obey them, so we are ALL subject to judgment! Not one of us can say we've kept these commandments, because I've just showed you that you've already broken four of them!
We must ALL recognize the URGENT need we have for Christ to save us! God has a holy standard that He gave us when He made us; not because He's a tyrant but because He loves us and wants to protect us. He expects us to WILLINGLY obey it. The Bible says that if we love Him we'll obey Him, and that we cannot serve two masters.
Either Christ is Lord of your life or YOU are.
We have ALL broken God's standards in some way in our lives and we must ALL answer to God for it. Only the blood of Christ can redeem you from the penalty of breaking these laws!!
The best part: SALVATION IS FREE! If you confess those things you've done the Bible says you WILL be forgiven! Make Jesus Lord of your life and begin living for Him -- you will be saved! It's not enough to say you believe He was real or that you can get into Heaven based on your own merit. That would mean you created your own god who holds your own standards -- and that is IDOLATRY (yes, yet another commandment broken). The truth is there is a requirement to obey if we ever expect to inherit the kingdom of God and NONE of us can meet it without Christ's blood covering us!
GET REAL WITH YOURSELF! Calling yourself a Christian and living the way you want is a CONTRADICTION . You need to get ready and get right with God. YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YOUR LAST DAY ON EARTH IS! Please don't wait until you're standing before the throne of God on judgment day to realize that you shoulda, coulda, woulda... but didn't. Whatever sin you love more than God is NOT worth an eternity in hell!
For more info... check livingwaters.com
Who can find a virtuous woman? For she is worth more than rubies. Her man depends on her, and she never lets him down. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. She has strength and dignity and is cheerful about the future. Her words are sensible, and her advice is thoughtful. She takes good care of her family and is never lazy. Her children praise her, and with great pride her man says, "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." Charm can be deceiving, and beauty fades away, But a woman who honors the LORD deserves to be praised. Show her respect.

Proverbs 31: 10- 12, 20, 25-30a (NIV/CEV)

My Interests

Jer 20:9 - 'But if I say, "I will not mention Him or speak any more in His name," His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.'

C is for Compassionate
E is for Entertaining
L is for Loving
I is for Intelligent
N is for Nutty
A is for Amiable What Does Your Name Mean?

Create your own friendquiz here

What is your name? Celly
Birthday? 8/27
Birthplace? NuYork, NY
Current location? Thomson, GA
Employment? Server @ Mac Grill
How many brothers & sisters do you have? 2 bros, 4 sis
Do you have any pets? No, but I like fishies!
Favorite color? Chocolate and teal
Favorite food? Puerto Rican, Greek, and Italian
Favorite subject? JESUS
Favorite song? "Open Up The Sky" - Deluge
Favorite movie? "The Nativity" -- go Joseph!
Favorite book? The Bible (especially Proverbs, 1 John, 2 Peter, and Paul's letters); DRIVEN BY ETERNITY (John Bevere) -- a MUST-read!
Eye Color? Brown
Hair Color? Dark Brown
Pepsi or Coke? Sprite
McDonalds or Burger King? Pretty tired of both
Coffee or Tea? Blackberry Mint Tea
Favorite City? New York at night, Rome
Have you ever travelled outside of the country? Yes, Italy & Germany
Do you sing? Yes, to glorify God alone
Do you play an instrument? Percussion and piano

Most used phrase? "TRUE STOR-EE"
Shoes you wore today? Pretty black Skechers
Right handed or Left handed? Rightie
What do you want to be when you grow up? A Teacher of the Word
Favorite place to be? At the beach
Do you like to shop? Yes, 4 shoes especially
Do you believe in miracles? Absolutely! Just got another one in my life :)
Thing you most look forward to? "That perfect day" when I get to meet My Creator and Savior !


Check this video out --
I was here!

I'd like to meet:

Who do ya think?? Jesus! (and I will of course!)

Click HERE to see why Jesus loves you too!!!


I LOVE music that encourages me in my walk with God and reminds me of all that Jesus did for me and how much he really does LOVE me.


The Passion, The Nativity, Facing The Giants, and some good old action films minus the cursing!


GOD TV (love to hear the Word!), and always love a good mystery/cop drama.

adopt your own virtual pet!


The truth, backed up 100% with actual researchable facts, behind the FICTIONAL tale (which offers not one researchable source) Dan Brown wrote to make a whole lot of money by attempting to discredit Jesus Christ.
"A Quest For Answers: The Da Vinci Code" by Josh McDowell.
"But these, like natural brute beasts made to be caught and destroyed, speak evil of things they do not understand, and will utterly perish in their own corruption." 2 Peter 2:12

A must-read for every woman who is trying to live the holy life God has called her to.
"Every Woman's Battle" by Shannon Ethridge.
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual act of worship." Romans 12:1


Jesus Christ, my Savior
1st - for making it through every one of His trials as a man and still remaining blameless and holy
2nd - for having compassion on people who spit in His face and betrayed Him
3rd - for taking all of my shame and hurt into His hands and nailing it to the cross so that I could be free today.

My Blog

Pray for the 10/40 window

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujJEqHEUe28 ...
Posted by Cel on Tue, 13 May 2008 10:22:00 PST

When God ran to me...

It is a powerful thing... to think back to where you once were, and then to see how far God's brought you.  I remember all those years I lived with such tremendous pain, shame, and fea...
Posted by Cel on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 10:16:00 PST