I've Already Met Them.....AND him :}
Helium :o
The matter of me meeting someone comes from the matter of me wanting to meet them. I love to meet new people. In fact, I know way too much people. Which makes my migration hard to handle. I rarely make best friends. This is because now and days, its hard to trust people. You think their something one day and the next, they do everything in their power to destroy you. At that point, they realize how strong you are. They have no fear of the underdog; That's why they will not survive." I'm lovable. I'm trustful. I'm so believable that hey, we could even cross the sea. Maybe catch some culture. Its easy to impress me. If you try to hard to impress me then that won't be pleasing me. If I'm talking to you then your one hell of a person. Most likely in my head I think that we look good side by side.
but i'd really like to meet the cast of Flap Jack and Chowder.
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