'sCruMmy buNs-sauSagE' profile picture

'sCruMmy buNs-sauSagE'

About Me

iM a HapPy-gO-luCky pErsOn, eaSy goiNg, Love tO maKe freNs, IT bLind, LOve tO cHiLL, LoVe tO seRve otHers, LOVE TO DREAM AND FANTASIZE, loVe tRaveLing, LoVe atteNtioN, LoVe tO seeK fOr roManCe, HaSty dEciSioNs iN cHOosiNg paRtneRs (uSed tO..daMn it!! ), SeCretiVe, natUraLLy hoNest, geNerOus & syMpatHetiC, LoVe peaCe & SereNity anD kiNda cutE peRson. (seRiousLy!! XtiPu-tP mCm dAh Nk keNa paNah pEtir je :P) iM niCe, nicEr whEn u knoW mE, NiceSt tO tHe oNe i Love. caN bE sO quiEt aNd caN bE tHe loUdeSt, dEpeNds oN tHe tiMe+sitUatiOn+pEopLe iM wiTh. LoVe mE oR hAte mE. tHis iS wHo i aM. iM juSt tRyin tO liVe mY Life tO tHe fuLLest witHout stePpiN oUt oF tHe boRderLinE.. sO u guYs oUt tHeRe, ADd mE uP!! u bettEr diD bCoz iM tHe oNe tAt uR LOoKiN fOr!! aDiOSSss!!!

My Interests

MONEY!!, LiVerPooL FC, RoyaL RenegaDes 9801, LATINO (thE LinGo, the girls, the musics, the dances!!),marLboRo, faSt caRs, FooD, sisHa, coFfee, cOke, maMak staLLs, fUtsaL, gO-kaRts, paiNtbaLL, jet-Ski, sHoppiNg, peRfuMes, GIRLS, cLubBin, paRtaY..!!, bEacHes, watErfaLLs, sunSet, VacAtiOns, mOVieS, muSiCs.

I'd like to meet:

ANyoNe...ANywHo...ANyhOw...ANywhEn...ANywAy!! [email protected]____


a LittLe Bit of eVerythiNg... mOstLy tHe bLaCk gRooVes!!


WiCker pArk, cLoseR, eLfie, a Lot LikE LoVe, titAniC, 50 fiRst datEs, thE gOdfatHer 1,2,3, tRoy, bRaVeheaRt,40Days 40NiteS...bYk Lg dOwh bUt deFiNiteLy nOt aNy oF haNtu moVies. KARUT!! (takut sebenarnya)


stiLL staNdiNg, kiNg of QueeNs, miSs MatCh, Ed, deSpRate HouSeWiVes, SmaLLVille, tHe O.C, FrieNds, QueeR eYes fOr tHe StraiGht Guys, Numb3Rs, HouSe, HustLe, MTV cRibS,..aNd tHe liSt gOes On...


i waS boRn tO HatE bOoKS!!! mY mOm toLd mE tHat..


a Guy naMed "mEgAt aMir sYafEEq"..hE's gOrGeoUs, aDoRabLe, cUte, attRaCtiVe, fAntaStic, MaRveLLouS, bLa, bLa, bLa...cHeck oUt tHis HOT gUy!! (",)