MONEY!!, LiVerPooL FC, RoyaL RenegaDes 9801, LATINO (thE LinGo, the girls, the musics, the dances!!),marLboRo, faSt caRs, FooD, sisHa, coFfee, cOke, maMak staLLs, fUtsaL, gO-kaRts, paiNtbaLL, jet-Ski, sHoppiNg, peRfuMes, GIRLS, cLubBin, paRtaY..!!, bEacHes, watErfaLLs, sunSet, VacAtiOns, mOVieS, muSiCs.
ANyoNe...ANywHo...ANyhOw...ANywhEn...ANywAy!! [email protected]____
a LittLe Bit of eVerythiNg... mOstLy tHe bLaCk gRooVes!!
WiCker pArk, cLoseR, eLfie, a Lot LikE LoVe, titAniC, 50 fiRst datEs, thE gOdfatHer 1,2,3, tRoy, bRaVeheaRt,40Days 40NiteS...bYk Lg dOwh bUt deFiNiteLy nOt aNy oF haNtu moVies. KARUT!! (takut sebenarnya)
stiLL staNdiNg, kiNg of QueeNs, miSs MatCh, Ed, deSpRate HouSeWiVes, SmaLLVille, tHe O.C, FrieNds, QueeR eYes fOr tHe StraiGht Guys, Numb3Rs, HouSe, HustLe, MTV cRibS,..aNd tHe liSt gOes On...
i waS boRn tO HatE bOoKS!!! mY mOm toLd mE tHat..
a Guy naMed "mEgAt aMir sYafEEq"..hE's gOrGeoUs, aDoRabLe, cUte, attRaCtiVe, fAntaStic, MaRveLLouS, bLa, bLa, bLa...cHeck oUt tHis HOT gUy!! (",)