=) y0 y0 y0s!! al0haS peepZ..hahaZ me's a lil duDe fW0m nygh maKin fwEnz..hahaZ yuPz..i h0pe 2 make m0re fWenz marhS..tht'S y cUm here de r|teZ?=) arh iF b0yS arHs..muz j0|n sp0rts h0rz..n0t library..hahaZ kieS l0rz..see yaZ sUmwhere me dear|eS!=)
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
hahaZ..me lykS tiS part..hahaZ of coS shuai geS n mei nuS larZ..wahaha..=) kiDDin larZ..hahaZ;) i wanna fWen|i p3.3pS larZ..wh0 caN make nice fWeNs..=)