Movies, Music, Art, Photography, Theatre, X-Box, Computers, Camping, Hiking, Hunting, Fishing, Cooking, The History Channel, Playing Guitar, Cheeky Shennanigans
Leonardo Da Vinci and his Fightin' Genius Time Commandos
B.B. King, Stevie Ray Vaughan, CCR, Garth Brooks, Toby Keith, Johnny Cash, Louis Armstrong, and just about anything else.
Monty Python & The Holy Grail, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, The Godfather, The Hunt for Red October, Office Space, Super Troopers, Schindler's List, Star Wars Trilogy
Lost, Family Guy, Boston Legal, The Simpsons, House, Heroes
1984, Lord of the Rings, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Harry Potter, The Da Vinci Code, James Patterson's Alex Cross Series
Vincent Van Gogh, Salvador Dali, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Andy Kauffman, Benjamin Franklin, Groucho Marx, Peter Sellers