11,000 Layouts! @ HOT FreeLayouts.comWhat's good!! This be ya chic Kelly a.k.a LiL' Mizz Concited. I'm orginally from Stamford CT, but moved to Waterbury, it's all good, I still rep Stamford, all day, everyday. Anywho...Me, I just basically chill with mah niggz, sit back, watch a movie, eat madd food, just lil' simple stuff. I keeps to myself..stay true to minez and all that other good stuff in between!! But yea..I'm not gonna write a life story so all my niggz, chickz and 'othaz'..holla at me..Amir and Rob baby..I love you!!R.I.P Ranetta Meade 1984-2007
I only knew you for a little while but you was madd cool, you understood everything your sister and I had to say and been through. You listened when others wouldn't, you never turned ya back on us, you stayed true to each and every person you met. You was always laid-back. Although you was always in pain, you never showed it and you let us kno the pain was just weakness leaving your body so you could be happy and you showed us that you were always the strong one. I love you and we understand your just making heaven more hyped up for us when we get there!! lolz..
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Stamford People
What Hood r u from? WeSt SiDe AnD sOuTh KiLL bAbii!!
Do u hang out down town? UmMm..NoT rEaLLy..
Do u claim to be down wit "BLOODS"? DaTs G-dUbb ClAsSiFiEd
Wats the best hood in stamford? WEST SIDE aNd SOUTH KILL!!!
WHy is CUSTER Street so live? HaHa..RuN dAt By mE aGaIn!!
Which side of Town snitches all the time? DaMn..CaNt PuT nO oNe On BlAsT!!
What hood is known for fighting all the time V-bLoCk DaT i KnO oF
Do they Win? MoSt DeF. Do
Does ur hood dead the beef? NoOoOoO!!
Do u bang out with ur hood? (honestly) If Im PrEsEnT aT dA tImE
Ever been to central bookings? YeS..hAhA
Do u hold ur block down? AlWaYz
Do u Fuck wit CST niggaz NaH
Do u fuck wit west side niggaz HeLL yEa..ThOsE mAh PeOpLeZ
Downtown mcdonalds or exit 9? wHiCh EvA iS cLoSeR
LAst time u been in the mall? DaMn..LoLzZz..LiKe NoVeMbEr!!
Who is the biggest hoe in stamford? DaTs AlOt Of HoEz To Be MeNtIoNeD!
wat block gets the most money? DaT i KnO oF..WeSt SiDe AnD sOuTh KiLL
Are u a pimp? HaHa..I gEtS mY wAyZ..NaH..nOt A pImP..nOt A hOe EiThEr
Ever fallen for a gurl mad hard? GuRl?!?? WTF!! nAh BaBii..DoNt Do ThOsE bAbii!!
Who r ur top 5 niggaz? My WeSt SiDe NiGgAz CoUnT fOr OnE..mY sOuTh KiLL nIgGaZ cOuNt FoR oNe..My WaTeRbUrY hEaDs CoUnT fOr OnE..mY fAm CoUnTs FoR oNe..AnD mY nEw FaM, RoB GaT aNd OuR sOn AmIr CoUnT fOr OnE!! hEhE!!