I play soccer as a mid-right midfielder, or as we call it, the Dawg(rawr), im supposed to get any ball that comes through my side of the field. Thats why my team never gets scored on =) P.S.- i have abs lol
Were outta control, were outta control, were outta control, were outta control!!
Most people get confused on what music i like, but i like just about everything but mostly these three in this order :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1)Rock -------------------- 2)Rap --------------------- 3)Techno ------------------ im not gonna get into the whole sub-genre crap
I love comedy movies the most. I also like scary movies and action movies. For the action movies, my favorites are any ones that take place in a war cause i really like guns... alot
Eurosport, its a soccer magazine lol other than that im not much of a reading person
1)Every girl in the world because without them i would be lost in this world----------------------- 2)Any athlete that was good enough to make it to the pros is good enough for me---------------------- 3)Any musician that made it to be rich and famous--- 4)Criss Angel-------------- _____________________ Besides that noone else really... except myself yeah every now and then i look back to a piece of music i just played or a great play in soccer i just made and i think to myself, "I could do that..."