Partying, know the usual for a chick lol mostly i listen to music and chill with my friends and family. my biggest intrests are in the newest additions to my family my great niece Kimora and my Great nephews Kevin and kahsim...those lil ones run my pockets lol
JAY Z i love that man!!!!!!! and i'd say Lupe but ive met him already so michael and janet jackson and thats itView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
R&B: Usher, Lloyd, Omarion, Robin Thicke, JOHN LEGEND (i love that man), mariah carey, justin timberlake. Rock/Pop: avril levigne, maroon5, gym class heroes, creed, system of a down, rage against the machine, pink. Rap: JAY Z!!!, Stacks, Nas, Common, Andre 3000, lil wayne, T.I., LUPE FIASCO, Mos Def, Kanye West. and a whole lot more
TRANSFORMERS!!!that shit was hot!!!! Four Brothers, Lord of the Rings, You Got Served, Stomp the Yard, Take the Lead, Save the Last Dance and so on.....
Smallville, while ya'll over there sweating the sopranos and the wire im getting my super man on lol Law & Order, Monk...yeah im a USA tv fiend lol Animal Planet (that one is for my boo quan)and thats pretty much it and thats if you even catch me in front of that damn thing
Right now reading Black Genius and The World And Africa: An Inquiry into the Part Which Africa has played in World History. Favorites; A THousand Splendid Suns, The Stand by stephen King, The Coldest Winter by Sista Souljah, Duth I, Dutch II, True to the GAme, Triangle of Sins, Rectangle of Sins, Grinding, Cinnamon Kiss (by Walter Mosley) Soulmates Dissipate and so so so so many more ooh and one of my personal favorites the world according to garp i loved that book for real ya'll aint up on that but my two favorite authors at the moment Stephen King and Walter Mosley
My moms and my pops the smartest man ive ever known, i love him so much, Jay-Z and Paris Hilton lol