Ms. Lissa Mars.... But I Shine Like the Sun ;-p profile picture

Ms. Lissa Mars.... But I Shine Like the Sun ;-p


About Me

R.I.P Stack B. Im Gon keep you alive kid ---Lupe Fiasco-High Defsomething like youve never seenwalk with a determination that surpass' high self-esteemmisses she likes her hair dyed redand lots of tattoo'sstillettos on her feetbut she loves them jays toodoesnt work out but you love her shapesomething youre dying to lay next to even when your relationship is high at stakeeventhough you know she speaks ready quick with a slick tonguecant help but to let her words embrace and caress you once she's begunshe doesnt have long strands of locks but her hair stays in a fresh du'when she moves she dances, even when theres no music to step toand you love hercause she knows how to raise a child, with no kids of her ownso she likes to act wild, know the kind pretty, witty, girly wirlybut when she presses play she got that blueprint onand at the end of the day she knows when to come homeand when you feeling shit out of luck she'll stay up on the phoneif you needed money you can call on her cause she's making her own,plus when the lights off you like to play her favorite songshe writes poetry, the type you read and hope its all about youyou like the way she stands, you know that cocky double jointed stanceshe does all the right things, says all the right wordsknows when youre in pain, and trust,oh yes she can heal the hurteven when she sweats you call it a thing of beautycause her skin glistens like 24kt or that platinum jewelryshe loves to read. mostly science fiction, you call her your crazy booor sometimes TLC cause she's also Sexy and Coolshe rolls with the fellas, knows how to fight tooand if it ever goes down you know she'd be right beside youso when they ask "who is that girl, whats her name?"all you got to do is tell 'em she's something like you'll never experiencecause something like her is one in a millionand that you'll do anything to make sure she's never going away, never wants to leave you. oh and my name thats right i go by Melissa, meli mel, lissa, MiMi to those who are closest to me

My Interests

Partying, know the usual for a chick lol mostly i listen to music and chill with my friends and family. my biggest intrests are in the newest additions to my family my great niece Kimora and my Great nephews Kevin and kahsim...those lil ones run my pockets lol

I'd like to meet:

JAY Z i love that man!!!!!!! and i'd say Lupe but ive met him already so michael and janet jackson and thats itView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


R&B: Usher, Lloyd, Omarion, Robin Thicke, JOHN LEGEND (i love that man), mariah carey, justin timberlake. Rock/Pop: avril levigne, maroon5, gym class heroes, creed, system of a down, rage against the machine, pink. Rap: JAY Z!!!, Stacks, Nas, Common, Andre 3000, lil wayne, T.I., LUPE FIASCO, Mos Def, Kanye West. and a whole lot more


TRANSFORMERS!!!that shit was hot!!!! Four Brothers, Lord of the Rings, You Got Served, Stomp the Yard, Take the Lead, Save the Last Dance and so on.....


Smallville, while ya'll over there sweating the sopranos and the wire im getting my super man on lol Law & Order, Monk...yeah im a USA tv fiend lol Animal Planet (that one is for my boo quan)and thats pretty much it and thats if you even catch me in front of that damn thing


Right now reading Black Genius and The World And Africa: An Inquiry into the Part Which Africa has played in World History. Favorites; A THousand Splendid Suns, The Stand by stephen King, The Coldest Winter by Sista Souljah, Duth I, Dutch II, True to the GAme, Triangle of Sins, Rectangle of Sins, Grinding, Cinnamon Kiss (by Walter Mosley) Soulmates Dissipate and so so so so many more ooh and one of my personal favorites the world according to garp i loved that book for real ya'll aint up on that but my two favorite authors at the moment Stephen King and Walter Mosley


My moms and my pops the smartest man ive ever known, i love him so much, Jay-Z and Paris Hilton lol

My Blog

what i am is something youve never experienced

something like youve never seen walk with a determination that surpass' high self-esteem misses she likes her hair dyed red and lots of tattoo's stillettos on her feet but she loves them jays too d...
Posted by Ms. Lissa Mars.... But I Shine Like the Sun ;-p on Mon, 12 May 2008 04:20:00 PST

The Coolest

OKKK heres something i did once in an away on Aim but now i have to blog it cause just when i was losing hope when it came to "humans" outside my fam and my besty jessy my faith was restored so i want...
Posted by Ms. Lissa Mars.... But I Shine Like the Sun ;-p on Sat, 03 May 2008 07:32:00 PST

Far Rock Chick

  Brooklyn Girl: written by my niece Chauntae Far Rock Chick: edited and altered by yours truly     The Doobie's right, Sephora Pink Gloss on the lips Double D's str...
Posted by Ms. Lissa Mars.... But I Shine Like the Sun ;-p on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 07:35:00 PST

SSSSHHHHHH!!!!!! only for the fellas

short, oldie but a goodie ;-) Enjoy   slowly pull my shirt up over my headlean back and enjoy the view i’ll take it from heregently ease my jeans over my hipsdrop them to the floor now soft...
Posted by Ms. Lissa Mars.... But I Shine Like the Sun ;-p on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 09:35:00 PST


I did something for the first time today I admitted to MYself how much i love you and then something strange happened I cried and once i started there was no end i cried the pain of loving you it s...
Posted by Ms. Lissa Mars.... But I Shine Like the Sun ;-p on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 11:27:00 PST

Celebrating my thousandth view!!

Its time for me to practice what i preach its time for me to follow my own set path when i look back on my life what will i see a rutty road full of heartaches and deceit will i look back in anguish...
Posted by Ms. Lissa Mars.... But I Shine Like the Sun ;-p on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 09:54:00 PST


Please...dont say shit unless you are prepared to walk in my shoes and make the decisions i have made or live the life that i have lead and fought through the struggles i have had to survive through.....
Posted by Ms. Lissa Mars.... But I Shine Like the Sun ;-p on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 10:39:00 PST

KEep GoiNg

I dont expect anyone to read all of this just had to get this out my system   Ok so im not the religious or spiritual type, but lately my dreams have been getting kinda crazy and for some reason ...
Posted by Ms. Lissa Mars.... But I Shine Like the Sun ;-p on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 06:54:00 PST

your doing this to yourself

I asked you not to break my heart So why wasn't I surprised when you did I told you , you would hurt me So why was I surprised when you did You said you wouldn't make me cry eventhough the tears had ...
Posted by Ms. Lissa Mars.... But I Shine Like the Sun ;-p on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 07:12:00 PST

Ready For Love?

tired of being lusted after maybe this time it wont be just that could it possibly be something to see inside after all the time we've spent together that is so long youve been in my life insi...
Posted by Ms. Lissa Mars.... But I Shine Like the Sun ;-p on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 10:25:00 PST