*indoors; reading, tv, net, scrabble, chess, spades, mahjong, sungka, cooking, *outdoors; movies, eating out (chinese, vietnamese, thai, oh yes fastfoods ), hiking, swimming, minature golf, sightseeing,
preferably people.
rock (in all forms, shapes, and sizes), swing, reggae, jazz, classical, indie rock seems to be where i belong at the moment. techno, punk and industrial, i still appreciate but hardly listen to anymore, time changes things, guess..................i just am. ....................................................... tales of mystery and imagination by Alan Parsons
24, the shield, without a trace, discovery channel, history channel, comedy central
yes...yes, like and/or love them all (Fulghum to Ludlum/Price to Rice/History, Anthropology, Philosophy, Mythology, Theology) except those romance thingys. Certainly in my top ten list of needs if stranded on an Island.
Jose Rizal, Abe Lincoln, my Kids, my Mom and Dad.