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RocK On

About Me

- learn how to spell boredem right
- look up dirty words in the dictinary and laugh at them
- in the elavator, stare at people, and if its a chick, keep staring at boobs, make them feel as uncomfterble as possible, if they talk to you, drooool, drool, and drool.
- sneak up on the family dog, and slap it right on the thigh, when ever i do that to my dog, he freaks out.
- Go over to friends house, play truth or dare, and dare some on to eat shit... Really eat it...Maybe lick it
- go to the second floor of mall or somethign, Spit on people. and whe they look up, spit on thier faces. they wont be able to catch you
- go to the youth center, ask for condoms. ask for alot. and alot. if they refuse, kick up a big fuss about not wanting to be a father, and blame them for hypocrasy
-go to your schools door, and cemet it shut, if you cemet the windows, they have to break it off it think.
- play shot for shot with you mom, even if she refuses....
- take 10-20 gallon of gasoline, go to rival schools field, dump it all into the gruound. set a trail to your hidiing spot, and lit it....
- sneak out to friends house, better if its a girl, go to friends window, wait till thier about to sleep, And knock on the window as hard as you can, and yell and shit, ligths add to the effect.
- go to friends house, light firecrackers, and shoot them into houses with slingshots
- tie a really thin string, prefebally fishing string, at neck level at random places. wait for peopel to walk by.
- hide in a bush, and pretend to mug people.
- tell you 6 year old sister that you saw the boogey man go into her closet.
- last but not least. crank your wank, Crack your rack. masterbate, Pleasure yourself, touch yourself, Fly solo, play with the one eyed snake. flip willy, beat the snake, choke the chicken

My Interests

1. Eat paste
2. Get hit by a parked car
3. Sing Wheels on the bus go round and round
4. Drink and drive
5. buy lottery tickets and expect to win
6. Sing karaoke
7. live in a trailer

I'd like to meet:

lotz of people...just add me ok..^_^ [email protected]


Can't Stop
sEe mOrE for My bLog


embed allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" src=http://www.nba.com/theater/video/jordan_dunk1_slam88.avi enableJavascript="false" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" allowScriptAccess="never" width=200 height=200 type=*.r{}


I don't care who you are or where you live, EVERYONE has an
annoying neighbor that pisses them off. Here are some ways to
return the favor.
1. Walk around your house naked
2. Pour salt on their lawn
3. Play pron REALLY loud
4. Spraypaint their cat, dog, whatever
5. Soap stuff on their car
6. Put shit unde thier tires (good joke stores have fake roadkill)
7. Put shit in their mailbox
8. REALLY put shit in their mailbox
9. Put rotting food in their bushes or under their porch
10. Set fire to part of their lawn "accidentaly"
11. Don't shovel your walk, mow your lawn, rake your leaves
(this REALLY pisses of my neighbor!)
12. Fake a domestic dipute at 6 n the morning
13. Once your neighbor start talking to you about these things,
tell hm/her that their "starting to piss you off"
...and remember the most important rule, DON'T GET CAUGHT!


Ernesto Che Guevara

My Blog

the zephyr song

Posted by kbon on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

fortune faded

Posted by kbon on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST