I am a mid twenties fool trying to make sense of the world, and understand its complexities as emotions, spirituality and all aspect of sociality. I hope to one day make a difference in the world, not through fame or infamy but by being able to write for the common man and address the issues of supposed minority and hash them to the world in a new digestible form. Of course aside from the above I have the normal dreams of twenty something year old, the perfect car, the house, the 2.4 cats/dogs (a gay mans version of children) and of course inevitably money. Writing has always been prevalent in my life and I write constantly, not being held back by dyslexia (which my mother only decided to tell me I had when I was in my early twenties, nor did my school make any allowances for it) - I wondered why I spelled phonetically on occasion.I grew up in a small bus stop village, the kind that doesn't seem a too distant reality from "Father Ted" - we even had a few village drunks and quite possibly a guy who wore "a who shot Jr" T-shirt. I never really mixed with any of my neighbors and or children, I put this down to the fact that I was gay and moreover I valued my own company more so as an intellectual child. I had an imaginary called Dr. Wooks who lived in an old plantation house just down the road, he was very secure in his abode, due to the fact the crocodiles lived around his house. Having abandoned the realms of the imaginary I quickly took refuge in other forms of escapism, books and movies/ music and as such that has cultivated me up until this moment. My other extended interests are social studies and spirituality as mentioned above. I have placed some earning articles on faith on the following website, for your viewing pleasure...http://www.helium.com/users/edit_show/199943anyth
ing else you may require from me then please don't hesitate to ask. thanking you much for reading.
How I made my profile:
I used MyWackoSpace.com 's amazing MySpace Editor .