Alex profile picture


I just made you up to hurt myself

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

Last Kiss, The (2005)
Video code provided by The Movie InsiderSUMMER'S END CHARITY SHOW!!! See You At The Show will be putting on a charity concert on August 26th at Veterans Memorial Park in Sierra Vista . Bands performing include: One Bullet Left, 68 Street, Jörgen, The Gentry Club, XLP, 3 am Drift, Fashion Victims, and Here 4 Days. All proceeds go the Bisbees No Kill Animal Shelter. Show starts at 1:30pm and ends at 9:30pm. There will be a raffle to win band merchandise and other great prizes. Beverages will also be available. The show is sponsored by See You At The Show, Here 4 Days, Arcane Digital Recording, and Music Mel. August 26th: clear your calendars and we hope to See You At The Show!
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My Interests

I love to play music, weither it be in my band or just for fun. I love to write songs and plays. I also like to just hang out with my friends. It doesnt matter where, we usually can find a way to have a good time. I love to party and to dance. Salsa is one of my main favorites, but break dancing, dirty dancing, and moshing are all kick ass too.ONE MAN WRECKING MACHINE (Guster)

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Stan Marsh
Your just an average everyday person. Nothing to special here. You have a good head on your shoulders though and sometimes find yourself solving others problems.

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My favorite bands in the world are Lit and Third Eye Blind, but I listen to every genre of music you can think of. I'm really not that picky about it. Other bands that I find awsome are Papa Roach, Goldfinger, Modest Mouse, Jimmy Eat World, Everlast, Everclear, Story of the year, Hinder, Reggie and the full effect, Alkaline Trio, Fall out Boy, HIM, Powerman 5000, Pulley, Never Heard of it, The Riddlin kids, The foo Fighters, Green Day, Blink 182, .... the list goes on and on and on...


My favorite movies consist of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Garden State, The Punisher, Wedding Crashers, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory The Longest Yard, Collateral, Ready to Rumble, and there are many other movies I think kick ass such as the superman movies, The Indiana Jones movies, Dodgeball, Blade Trinity, and like a million others.
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My favorite shows on T.V are Family Guy, House, Las Vegas, and that's about it. I also find Wreastling interesting.


My favortie books are A Clock Work Orange and Foley is Good. (An autobiography of the wreastler Mick Foley.) Anthem and Man in the Iron Mask are also awsome.


My dad is my hero. He's always there. Also Superman I guess you can say, and Johnny Depp and David Arquette. (Dont ask.) Also Johnny Cash. (God Bless)

My Blog

It's over part 2

Hey guys, Well I was pretty upset when I posted the last blog but I want you all to know that Tanya really isn't a bad person she just needed some time and hopefully she'll come around to be one of my...
Posted by Alex on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 12:35:00 PST

It's Over

Well, I hate writing these stupid break up blogs so I'm not going into specifics but I am going to say that Tanya and I have broke up after almost two years. Hopefully we can be friends, but there was...
Posted by Alex on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 02:52:00 PST

Well I'm off

Well, Me, Mark, Nic, Blake and Tanya are all of to California in like 5 hours. I'll miss you all but I'll be back in a week so....yeah....   Take Care!
Posted by Alex on Sat, 26 May 2007 01:57:00 PST


Just to let everybody know thanks for the b day greetings. I really do appriciate it. It was pretty cool, and I had fun hanging out with those I love to be with. Can't wait to see you all soon   ...
Posted by Alex on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 10:52:00 PST


Posted by Alex on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 12:02:00 PST

It's finally here

You all have problibly all heard this before, but the show on the 26th is going to kick ass! If you think you can go, let me know. You can personally meet the bands, you can win cool stuff like autogr...
Posted by Alex on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 04:30:00 PST

Cool New Music Video

You guys have to check out this video. It's by Guster and it's called "One Man Wreaking Machine". It's sweet! Also check out the Last Kiss Soundtrack on my friends list. Yes!
Posted by Alex on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 01:22:00 PST

Fuk you and your apologizes. Don't Act it unless you feel it.

I haven't posted a blog here for awhile but I feel that one is overdue. I would first like to start off by saying that I did alot of growing up both physically and more importantly emotionally and men...
Posted by Alex on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 10:16:00 PST

My No HOOTERS Weekend.

So here's my sad sad story. I was suppose to go to HOOTERS this weekend but a couple things came up that prevented me. 1.) There were 0 banks open and all I had was checks. So there was no way for me ...
Posted by Alex on Sun, 14 May 2006 01:26:00 PST


Happy Easter Everybody!!!!
Posted by Alex on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 10:28:00 PST