Franky Fearless - Drunken MasterDj Frankie Fearless has been walking in the musical wilderness for many years now and is still to find his way. Having been recognised as the best pissed Dj in the world he has endured tortuous training in the devastating art of drunken mixing, which in turn lead to the timeless creation 'The Drunken Master'. Frankie has been guided in the drunken arts by fellow band members in the band he Djs with - a few hedz (formerly known as hedzjellmo) who have been known to destroy clubs and bars in around Manchester England. Frankie also enters the Technics DMC competition every year, which is obviously fixed due to the fact that he's not yet won it, but enters for the sheer pleasure he gains from expressing his drunken mind in turntable form. His musical influences are far too varied and complex to list but James Brown, The Happy Mondays, George Formby, and De La Soul are high up in the listening order to name but a few. "Anything thats got the groove" to use Frankies own words but how George Formby falls into that catogory we're not too sure! Frankies favourite song lyric is from a Stevie Wonder tune and it goes "Just because a record has a groove dont make it in the groove" he hit the nail on the head there... Frankie currently Djs at Constant Friction @ Jacksons Pit in Oldham every last sat of the month so if you live in the area drag your arse down there and witness the drunken bastard for yourself (",)
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