whatever dude, I'll talk to anyone who approches me matter how weird or annoying, or just plain crazy....I love everyone!!!!.....or so I thought before I started working at guthries...but yeaaa whatever I can handle it!....I think
*All kinds of music*...not too much country tho
** * the notebook…pirates of the carribean…The Texas Chainsaw Massacre ..finding nemo..freaky friday..war of the worlds..the eye..hp movies crashers.., the 40 year old virgin,.. meet the fockers. , King Kong, , When A Stranger Calls, Bewitched, .. Resident Evil, house Of Wax, , Liar Liar,.. , Mean Girls, Narnia..Memoirs of a Geisha …The Da Vinci Code ..sixteen candles… the breakfast club …Alice In Wonderland… the sweetest thing…dirty dancing….moulin rouge …scary movie. …not another teen movie…the mask…all will smith movies…all adam sandler movies!!.... all jim carrey movies...all the american pie movies...titanic….all the matrix movies….how to lose a guy in 10 days …..the wizard of oz…..clueless…..dodgeball….mr and mrs smith…...legally blond …lemony snicket..…sahara...all 007 movies..devil wears Prada...x-men(all)..duplex...spiderman(all)...underworld 1,2...…and lots more!!!
heroes..dexter..weeds..nip/tuck..that 70's show...identity..sleeper cell..
dont read peeps, sry!!!