Maryna profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

*The Ultimate About Me Survey*:
Name: maryna
DOB: june 21 1990
Birthplace: beltsi
Current location: hell
Eye color: green
Hair Color: "medium ash brown"
Height: 5'7
Heritage: polish-romanian
Piercings: 2 ears
Tattoos: not yet
Band/Singer: i dont have a fav.
Song: it changes everyday
Genre of Music: mostly rock, no country
Color(s): green, black, red
TV show(s): that 70's show...uum its been awile i dont keep up w/ shows anymore
Movie(s): its a long list ...and its listed under movies on my page
Food: pizza, taco bell, ice cream
Store: idk
#: 13,21
Drink: pepsi
Clothing Brand: ae
Shoe Brand: idk
Animal: cats & dogs
Pizza topping: supreme
Season: summer
Month: june
Holiday: bday
Flower: i honestly dont care
This or That:
Sunny or rainy: something in between
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Fruit or veggie: fruit
Night or day: night
Sour or sweet: both
Love or money: both
Phone or in person: in person
Poor & happy or rich & miserable: we've been over this rich&happy
Looks or personality: really not liking "this or that" thing
Coffee or tea: coffee
Hot or cold: cold
Goal for this year: stop taking stupid 'about me' surveys
Most missed memory: my dad
Best physical feature: idk u tell me
First thought waking up: FUCK!
Do you wanna get married: not anytime soon
Do you wanna have kids: not really
If so, how many: 0
Do you wanna go to college: most def.
What do you want to be: translater or a wedding planner...idk my first choice was a super model, but i think thats out of the question.
Do You:
Dance in the rain: hells bells
Smoke: nuh
Drink: yeah
Shower daily: yeaaah
Like thunderstorms: i guess
Curse: oh yeah
Sing: when nobody is listening
Play an instrument: that would b a NO, but I would like to
Think you are good looking: idk
Get along with your parents: mostly
Other Questions:
Can you whistle: kinda
Right or left handed: right
Your bedtime: whenever
Biggest fear: being buried alive!
3 things you can't live without: food, water, sleep...oh like not 4 real..k,my phone and Rob
Color of your room: blue
Siblings: step sis & step bro...dont live w/ me anymore tho
Middle name: dont have one but if u wanna get technical Igorevna
Pets: 2 dogs Jessie & Junior
Nicknames: russian chick , Fezzz
For or against gay marriage: let the gays do what they wanna do!..fuckin hate that question
Thoughts ..ion: theres nothin wrong w/ that
If you could be anywhere right now where would you be: anywhere but here
Do you wear contacts/glasses: sure dont
Are you afraid of the dark: that depends on whos w/ me in the room
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at Maryna --
A poltergeist sent back in time to change the course of history forever
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at********************************************** ***************************..

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

whatever dude, I'll talk to anyone who approches me matter how weird or annoying, or just plain crazy....I love everyone!!!!.....or so I thought before I started working at guthries...but yeaaa whatever I can handle it!....I think


*All kinds of music*...not too much country tho


** * the notebook…pirates of the carribean…The Texas Chainsaw Massacre ..finding nemo..freaky friday..war of the worlds..the eye..hp movies crashers.., the 40 year old virgin,.. meet the fockers. , King Kong, , When A Stranger Calls, Bewitched, .. Resident Evil, house Of Wax, , Liar Liar,.. , Mean Girls, Narnia..Memoirs of a Geisha …The Da Vinci Code ..sixteen candles… the breakfast club …Alice In Wonderland… the sweetest thing…dirty dancing….moulin rouge …scary movie. …not another teen movie…the mask…all will smith movies…all adam sandler movies!!.... all jim carrey movies...all the american pie movies...titanic….all the matrix movies….how to lose a guy in 10 days …..the wizard of oz…..clueless…..dodgeball….mr and mrs smith…...legally blond …lemony snicket..…sahara...all 007 movies..devil wears Prada...x-men(all)..duplex...spiderman(all)...underworld 1,2...…and lots more!!!


heroes..dexter..weeds..nip/tuck..that 70's show...identity..sleeper cell..


dont read peeps, sry!!!

My Blog

416 Q & A survey that I stole from

 SURVEY  001. What is your name? Maryna002. Spell your name backwards: anyram003. Date of birth: jun 21004. Male or female? Female005. Astrological sign: This is the dawning of the age ...
Posted by Maryna on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 08:49:00 PST