SOPHIA profile picture


About Me


Sophia, 16.

I can't really explain what I'm like so you can find that one out yourself.

Things are actually going alright!
The sun's coming out, exams are overrrr, i'm meeting new people all the time and i've booked my holidays off. I'm pretty happy overall right now :)

At the moment it's aaall about long msn chats with my sweaty beaver Natalie getting excited about seeing her in the summer, the girls in college, cups of tea and that split second when you're in a beautiful place and everything just seems perfect.

I can be shy but only around new people. When I'm at work or in photography lessons with Sophie there's a completely different side to me. I start dancing like im at some 70's disco. Sometimes there isn't even any music. I've been caught more than once by Brogan dancing really well haha. I'm even worse at work :)

My Interests

DANCING BADLY. and shopping, fashion, hot weather, saying and doing things long before i think about it, soft hair, making new friends, tea and gingernuts, nice boys, and touching noses with somebody :)


Actually LOVE this. It isn't shit.

Dedicated to my Gymball Connor!


Natalie Billings - she says I have a goosey face:
Natapee says:
i love you too you big goose bride!
Natapee says:
love you goosey features!
But she has prominent sweaty beaver features so it's fine. Conversations with her are never short of fucking hilarious, although usually it's just her laughing at me like the time i put my curtain on my head and pretended i was at a wedding or when i fell off my crutches on webcam. I can't wait to finally spend a good amount of time with her bumming about her house in summer. I actually adore this girl!

Laurash Greig, Gymball Connor, and My Darling Armstrong make for a pleasant northern experience. I love them three! :)!

Sophie says: