I'm the kinda girl who loves to have fun. ...although theres always a time to be serious. My family means the world to me, and so do my friends. without them i would be nothing. My bestfriend/sister(not really)--angela martinez is one of the most amazing people ive ever ment. and we literally spend most every waking moment together. haha. && there are my brothers--andrew and..(sometimes ferdii). we literally are super close and wouldnt let any guy (girl in thier case) get in the way of our friendship...not so much ferdi tho. hahaha. okayy. i'm 18 and about to start my life if Dallas and go to richland college to get my basics. i'll be living in a badass house with my bestfriend ever and were gonna have the times of our lives in that house. i cant wait to see whats in store for me. =)
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
these are my best friends and i love them unconditionally. =)
RIP Powerlifting.. =((sunshine layouts.W e ' r e b e s t f r i e n d s . . . & & i d o n t g i v e a f u c k . ( :i♥these girls to death. =)
My Blog
Smile =D by Lily Allen
Smile =DD
When you first left meI was wanting moreBut you were fucking that girl next doorWhat'cha do that forr?
When you first left meI didnt know what to sayI've never been on my own that wayJust s... Posted by on Thu, 01 Jan 2009 02:22:00 GMT