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About Me

After 27 years on the radio at WWUH, 91.3 FM,, I am best described as someone whose life revolves around the love of music. Being able to be on the radio and program and play music every week is a wonderful thing. My entire life has been rooted in my love of music. I have studied it, played it, interviewed a number of amazing musicians, and basically cultivated a wide ranging knowledge. What do I like best??? Well, they don't call me "the psychedelic one" for nothing. Rock, psychedelic, progressive, metal, ambient, dream rock, trance....all enjoyable. But I will always be happiest listening to rock music. Now my favorites are Porcupine Tree, Opeth, Riverside,the Pineapple Thief, Katatonia, O.S.I., Amathama, Ozric Tentacles, Blackfield and on, and on.

Steven Wilson - Insurgentes (trailer)

Happiness is...............

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to continue to get to know the guys from Porcupine Tree, I'd like to meet up with Opeth again. I'd like to get to know more of the musicians I love and play on my radio show and those outside of the "Ambient" music I play.

My Blog

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