Karmic Sign profile picture

Karmic Sign


About Me

You Are Reverse Pocky (or "Wasn't Something Else Like That Around Before 'Reverse Pocky'?)
Your attitude: rebellious and clever
Non-conformist, but curiously a trendsetter
With you, up is down... and it's a wild ride! (Oh snap, they got me there! But... wait a tic... if this "flavor" was around before "Pocky", wouldn't that make me a "classic taste" instead? Julie, you're awesome for helping me realize that again!!!) What Flavor Pocky (those odd little Japanese starch sticks covered in odd flavors, in case you didn't know) Are You?
tel·e·ol·o·gy (tel-e-ol-o-je)
n. pl. tel·e·ol·o·gies
1. The study of design or purpose in natural phenomena.
2.The use of ultimate purpose or design as a means of explaining phenomena.
3.Belief in or the perception of purposeful development toward an end, as in nature or history.
[Greek teleios, teleos, perfect, complete (from telos, end, result; see kwel-1 in Indo-European roots) + -logy.]
tele·o·logi·cal (--lj-kl), tele·o·logic (-k) adj.
tele·o·logi·cal·ly adv.
tele·olo·gist n.
het·er·o·dox [het-er-uh-doks]
1. not in accordance with established or accepted doctrines or opinions, esp. in theology; unorthodox.
2. holding unorthodox doctrines or opinions.
[Origin: 1610–20; Gk heteródoxos of another opinion, equiv. to hetero- hetero- + dóx(a) opinion (Compare dokein to think, suppose) + -os adj. suffix]
—Related forms
het·er·o·dox·ly, adverb
I guess I'm still learning that it's okay to let people see all sides of you (or maybe not) even though I'm still trying to figure out how to give the best, most accurate presentation possible.
if we have all these sides to us and society tells us that we have to fit in, but it's okay to remain individuals, but then people complain about sides of us that they never expected of us, how can we remain truthful?
isn't it fundamentally at odds with itself to expect us to be true to ourselves when most of us have dimensions never completely revealed to anyone except maybe our closest relatives (and even then, do we really want THEM to know what our deepest feelings about so many different things are, much less expose them to what we do when no one's watching?).
no one sees it all- and this is why life can be so complicated so often (minor exchanges with people here and there can trigger memories and feelings we may have even forgotten ourselves).
and that song playing? only because at weird times in my life, I hear it come on and play.

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Oregon

My Interests

Music, TV, movies, metaphysics, advancing my life in definite terms.


If it gets me going, I'm probably already waiting for it to come out, have bought a copy, downloaded it, read a review of the album or seen them live.


I see so many movies that it may not matter what I put down because I'll miss one or another type... seriously, it matters on the mood I'm in at the time and the people (if any) that I'm going with.


Lessee here... Heroes, My Name Is Earl, Journeyman, Life, Reaper, Pushing Daisies, (24), John From Cincinnati , and some other stuff...


Unless it has extremely creative writing (Jonathan Safran Foer, Kurt Vonnegut, Chuck Pahlaniuk, Cormac McCarthy, et. al.) I have a hard time getting into it.


Kind of like comic books for the inspiration they bring- Superman, Batman, Wolverine. Easier to go to work and deal with the people that come in when you see what Superman's up against and what people expect from him.

My Blog

Je veux le fait encore!

So, here it is - a year after I applied for supervisor, didn't get it and wound up becoming a piscatarian (no meat, just fish) and now I can't even eat meat if I wanted to. In my body, the stuff does...
Posted by Karmic Sign on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 11:54:00 PST

In my Father’s word, the internet is huge.

They, um, cancelled one of my favorite shows. To be fair, it was somewhat hard to understand... by almost everyone who watched it, it seems. That'd explain why HBO cancelled it. I got Amazon to em...
Posted by Karmic Sign on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 01:15:00 PST

the sound of failure...

whatever - they'll just find out the hard way that they should have hired me as supervisor instead.or maybe I'm not in the right job.just that I'm not used to failure - sure, I've been fired from jobs...
Posted by Karmic Sign on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 02:30:00 PST

alrighty then...

Linda say it's cool, so I'm cool with it.By this time next Tuesday, I'll know whether or not I'll be the next supervisor.oh wow - I'm in for some kind of roller coaster over the next 7 days....
Posted by Karmic Sign on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 11:24:00 PST

but what the hey...

so... tomorrow (today by now) I go in to work to find out if Linda's cool with me applying for supervisor.it's worth a shot, right?at the very least, I'll find out where I stand with her.and I won't ...
Posted by Karmic Sign on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 02:58:00 PST

that's okay - I didn't want to be a stuporvisor anyway...

so anyway... tying into my display pic, I decided NOT to talk to the Front End Team Leader about applying for the upcoming supervisor position. I get in the car and find out that Joe Lieberman LOST ...
Posted by Karmic Sign on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 01:19:00 PST

when one evolves, we all evolve..

holy freaking...!!! this is so cool - I had no idea we could do it this way, but I'm glad I never got an iPod. I just burned a full almost 100 minute mix by one of my favorite artists, DJ /rupture, ...
Posted by Karmic Sign on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 12:07:00 PST

very interesting - never thought of this...

from "negrophonic.com/words"parentheses were there when I copied it..."(Do you realize how much information MySpace generates? who likes what and how much and when and how old and what colors even and...
Posted by Karmic Sign on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 01:17:00 PST

no idea...

I saw The Aristocrats yesterday and now I have these jokes in my head...I'll tell you them if you remember to ask me what they are in person."Bavarian Cream Pie""The Dirty Doctor""Hippopotami"...
Posted by Karmic Sign on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 01:57:00 PST

the personal v. the divine

this book I read a long time ago - when I was 23 or so (about 6 years ago) made the point (out of a million and one other points it made/brought up) that the personal and the divine are opposite. yest...
Posted by Karmic Sign on Thu, 18 May 2006 02:13:00 PST