i like pointless things.. i LOVE cheesecake. i like chess and playing video games and writing stories.
LostProphets, if not ALL of them, just Ian Watkins.... um.. David Tennant.... Um...... The president... and.............. YOU!
LostProphets mainly... but i like many other songs too
comedies.. spoofs and other funny stuff.
comedies,Primevil, Supernatral, Doctor Who and Torchwood... many other things along side.
i like reading.. ONCE i read ALL 6 of the harry potter books.... i was grounded and it took all day and most of the night.. but i did it....
Leanne Collins... Lucas Shaw... Samuel Guyah... Holly Young... James Murphy... Ian Watkins... Daniel Selway... YA MUM... and all you other freinds of mine.. mwah.. xXx