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Jennie ♥ lucy


About Me

THIS WAS MEANT TO BE A COMMENT BUT SINCE IT EXPLAINS ME AT THIS PARTICULAR TIME IN MY LIFE, I'VE DECIDED TO USE IT AS MY ABOUT ME SECTION: i've been busy hassss heeellll..i'm out of my house for 12 hours everyday mon-friday...i leave around 7 A.M. and i get home around 8:22 p.m. After that, i have to do my homework for my school school...and i'm really stressed out about prom....soo much things going on in my life...i feel that life is just throwing things at me really graduation is in 2 weeks and im stoked about that but i'm also scared to move on. soo much going on in my life!!! but i'm just taking it one day at a time...its hard to take everything in, all at once...its too much for a human mind. sooooo right now i'm typing really fast...and it hasnt even been a min. since i started writing this comment. That means that i was writing 5 words per second. i'm a super fast typer and thinker...okay soo i'm gonna shut up....cuz you only asked whats up and i just told you my whole effin life story...sorrrry. i'm so excited about prom...te voy a madar fotos depues de la fiesta !! :D !

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my day begins with akon, beyonce, underoath etc. basting out of my stereo and my day ends with beethoven moonlight sonata blasting out of my stereo.