Katie profile picture


*Clubs-Drugs-Pubs&&Parties* [ TheFreeRadicalsInsideMeeAreFreakinMaan!! ]

About Me

Ma name be katie // glory mad-cunt..:::.. im aussie // & a lil bit english ..:::.. imma a proud perth gurly // Perth is under-rated ..:::.. my hair is black && curly ..:::.. i graduated from high skool // it nearly killed me ..:::.. i luv parties && clubbing && just going out ..:::.. i luuve alcohol ..:::.. vodka is my second name ..:::.. im not an alco ..:::.. black mascara && eyeliner are my fave ..:::.. i dont own any bright red lipstick // its not my thing ..:::.. i wear foundation // everyday ..:::.. white nail-polish is my new thing ..:::.. im a spender // not a saver ..:::.. shopping is sumthin i do // often ..:::.. The Lion King and ET // still makes me cry ..:::.. i play with flowers all day // & get paid for it ..:::.. i define a lifesaver to be // coffee in the mornin && redbull and vodka when i be out and about ..:::.. Politics dus me head in // my vote is for tha hippy's ..:::.. my mates are my everything // ii love them ..:::.. england is my next holiday // again ..:::.. imma music-aholic // i liike it LOUD ..:::.. im a raver at heart ..:::.. Friday night is piss-up night // saturday night is clubbin night ..:::.. im crazy // buut normal ..:::.. colours make me smile ..:::.. i think about things way tooo much // i live in the past ..:::.. reality sumtimes scares me ..:::.. i think of my life as normal // with just a shite load of crazy people in it ..:::.. Those crazy people are my mates // tha ones that make me smile everyday // tha ones that make my life fuckin awesome [x][x][x]

My Interests

ii luuve havin a good laff wit ma mates.. i luv goin owt and catchin up wit ppl- ma weekends are all bout parties and clubbin..i wouldnt change that for nethin.. spendin as much time owt with ma mates is wat im bout..

I'd like to meet:

jennifer saunders.. joanna lumley..


im luvin hip hop.. trance.. techno..dance.. lil bit of rap.. and ma mates band, Tha verticle blinds


human traffic .. yu got served .. rise ..


absolutely fabulous..medium..most haunted..roseanne..weeds

My Blog

Last night...

last night.. t'was awesum hahah.. got trashed off ma face! just a usual friday night hahaha.. i managed to drink matt unda the table.. oh yeh- tis be katie :D hhmm.. watched funny videos on youtube! u...
Posted by Katie on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 06:44:00 PST

Fcuk this!

aight aight.. the onli reason im writing ths fcukin blog thingy is cos im feckin bored outta my mind and its too BLOODY HOTT to go outside and do sumthin.. haha.. and neways.. i ave had myspace for fc...
Posted by Katie on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 10:51:00 PST