I want to be sought after like Sherlock Holmes.
I want to drink like Bernard Black.
I want to ham it up like Vincent Price.
I want to be it like Antonin Artaud who so knew art he gave his only solar anus So you and I may live in dissonant harmony with information left soiled.
Lois: What's going on down here?
Stewie: Oh, we're playing house.
Lois: That boy's all tied up.
Stewie: Roman Polanski's house
"I believe it was never known that so many Indians were ever killed in any engagement with the white people, as fell by the army of General Lewis, at Point Pleasant. They are now dwindled to insignificance, and no longer noticed; and futurity will not easily perceive the prowess they possessed."
-John Stuart-"Memoir of Indian Wars" 1833
( All of that is mine. Undoing. Editor and all. )AHHHHH-AMERIkkkAN CULTURE!!!!
--Vache. Venetian Snares
there's my favorite rollercoaster
next to the blue water
the one only sissies ride
there's the sun
going down
creating that florescent glow
reminding me i'll never be able
to relive this day
except in memorythere's those big barking fish
in the concrete stream
growling for dog food
bulging dead eyes that gleam
but where's dad
and where is mom
looks like from here on out
it's just me and you
looks like from here on out
it's just me and you-Red House Painters, Rollercoaster
What's Your Political Philosophy?
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You scored as Green
The Green Party believes in an America where decisions are made by the people and not by a few giant corporations. Their environmental goal is a sustainable world where nature and human society co-exist in harmony.
Old School Democrat
New Democrat
Foreign Policy Hawk
Pro Business Republican
Socially Conservative Republican