Helda profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

= very simple girl = sensitive = shy and quiet around ppl I dont know. But once you know me very well, Im quite loud n talkative heheh.. = i admit that im lemah lembut but definitely not ayu!!!! = very skinny + serious underweight. = naughty esp with my friends heheh.. Love teasing them = can be stubborn sometimes = crazy and 'gila-gila' with my close friends = kdg2 kambang and perasan in a good way that is hehehe = love to eat = forgiving but never forgets = I think I'm a good listener. If you guys hv problems or something, just talk to me = I wish I could play guitar *sighs* = I don't judge people by their looks but through observations

My Interests

PS2 games, hiking, watching cute guys *grins*, hanging out with my friends, chatting, listening to the radio, reading, dancing, watching extreme sports

I'd like to meet:

Ariel Peterpan heheheheh.... My sayang.. Old friends.. The sketch ppl.. and anyone..........


Anything but I'm more into modern rock, some heavy metal songs, HipHop, R'nB', alternative, instrumental, Rap and of course, modern Indon songs


LOTR trilogy, Buli, GGParry potter, Puteri Gunung Ledang, Sepet, Ada apa dengan Cinta, Finding Nemo, Shrek I & II, White chicks, Resident evil I & II... Pokoknya banyak lah


i dont really watch tv


LOTR trilogy, Harry Potter books, Fearless, malay novels, A walk to remember. Basically, anything interesting