I wear long sleeve shirts under short sleeve shirts under long sleeve shirts. Also I was shavin' last night at this makeout party and I took a bunch of pictures. You can see 'em on my MySpace page, along with my favorite songs and movies and things that other people have created but that I use to express my individualism.
I'm an optimistic pessimist in otherwords I firmly believe that nothing will ever work out in my favor. I can be quiet as hell or retarded as fuck depending on my mental state which varies from time to time, usually between soberity and intoxication. . . for the most part i'm intoxicated. My substance of choice is alcohol, but thats only because weed is illegal and I dont do anything illegal[hi pbso ; ) ] um what else is there about me? um well if you dont know by now I suck at life. I need a new job, I need a car, I need a girlfriend, I need a way to change these priotites but unfortunately I need 1 to get the other which is a total bummer huh? If I had a vagina I could easily get rides all the time, and give bjs for $$$ and I wouldnt need to lift heavy shit all the time risking a herniated disk and back problems for the rest of my life . . . so anyways I love cartoons i'm currently addicted to Naruto Shippuden which is the fucking shit(as long as you're watching the japanese version BOO AMERICAN VERSION!!!!!!) . . . btw i'm not a terrorist I just think america's current cartoons lick donkey balls. . . I mean come on wtf spongebob? are you fucking kidding me? and don't get me started on that shit "wolverine and the x-men" and the character assassination that show did just to whore out wolverine to 6 year olds . Ok well i'm gonna stop typing now because i'm almost as tired as you are of reading this shit about me.I don't even know why you wasted your time reading this shit go to pornhub.com it's awesome and much more entertaining than the bs i'm typing now . . . seriously GO pornhub.com look up Olivia O'lovely. She's sexy as fuck!