BIG P.I.M.P MAC DADDY profile picture


I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any nation

About Me

Well let me see hhmmm????? I was born on September 3, 1988, in Durango, mexico. I spent 10 years in there, and then I migrated to California during October 1998. I started middle school in the fall of 1999. I graduated from James Monroe High School in June 30, 2006. Now I attend the University of Maryland (online university). I have 2 brothers Alex (16 yrs. old) and Jerry (3 yrs. old). Now ill tell you a bit about my friends and stuff= jerry … this Negro is my rite hand man and bitch. Marissa I just luv her cause she’s a real homie comes and see me to my house, she was born with a birth defect want to know wat, its that she’s a raider fan. Loren Burgos was my high school girlfriend, wife and friend. I love u shooga. Thank u friends that I can’t remember 4 being with me in the good ones and bad ones.mis cuzins las tres mosqueteras(michelle,diana and janet). evelin, me nd one cheeta girl:) just kidding shes rachel my cuzin(evelin is cuz 2)andy nd diana.

My Interests

im interested in history, and video games. world war 2 books, politics,SEX,SEX,SEX,SEX, XXX MOVIES,History: ancient Mesopotamia, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, ancient Egypt, China from ancient to modern times, Europe from ancient times to modern times, Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, Paleolithic civilization, the agricultural revolution and the dawn of the Neolithic, The United States Civil War, Imperial Russia, Post-Colonial Africa, The Cold Warthis is my lil brother i love this pinche cabron even cuando me parte la madre because i noe his just playing so dont mess with me or my brother and everitihg is chido KP i love her cause shes a true homie shes like my little sister from another mother love u KP somos los nacotraficantes mas perros del mundo. los jefes del cartel de califas oh no prima

I'd like to meet:

jessica Boehrs


i like rap and spanish music,well i like all kinds of music.los morros del norte, akwid, ,INTOCABLE, JORGE GAMBOA, LOS TEMERARIOS, ,kpaz de la sierra, Patrulla 81, Los Horoscopos De Durango Y MAS...


i like rush hour 1&2,gladiator,the day after tommorow, shrek 1&2,the phantom of the opera,see spot run, how high, bad boys 2, pearl harbor, naked hollywood, alian vs preadetor, blood in blood out, the passion of the christ, the patriot, white chicks,triple x & state of the union, Amityville Horror, The Interpreter, The Grudge, house of wax, DIE ANOTHER DAY, TRAINING DAY, WATER BOY, SWEET HOME ALABAMA, its all about the bejamins, the lion king, the lion king 1&half, the lion king 2, aladin, stuart little 2, made, legaly blond 2, harry potter 1,2 and 3, freaky friday, The Longest Yard, Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith, Spanglish, darkness falls, chukies bride, the powerpuff girls movie, the crime of father amaro, amores perros, american pie, american pie 2, american weeding, man


t.v. i like watching


, pimp my ride, jerry springer, room raiders, wanna come in, THE SIMPSONS, YUGIOH, THE 70S SHOW, QUE BUENA TV, wwe: smackdown, mujer casos de la vida real, sabrina, & MORE.


my favorite book would b the bombing of pearl harbor, the Da Vinci Code, Catch 22,Angels & Demons, The Bible ..


my mom carmen nd my dad agustin........el chavo del 8,don ramon,el chapulin colorado and el chompiras.

My Blog

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by BIG P.I.M.P MAC DADDY on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 12:21:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by BIG P.I.M.P MAC DADDY on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 12:13:00 PST


Carlos Mencia Skit (7-11)Add to My Profile |   More Videos   Carlos Mencia defends our country!Add to My Profile |   More Videos  ...
Posted by BIG P.I.M.P MAC DADDY on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 11:47:00 PST

quotes by famous people

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing. Abraham Lincoln     Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. &...
Posted by BIG P.I.M.P MAC DADDY on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 11:30:00 PST


.. width="425" height="350">..>...
Posted by BIG P.I.M.P MAC DADDY on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 11:27:00 PST

u & me

1. Your Name:2. Age:3. Fave Color:4. Fave Movie:5. Fave Song:6. Fave Band/or rapper:7. Most Embarassing Moment:8. Are you a virgin?:HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ...1. Are we friends?2. Do you have a cru...
Posted by BIG P.I.M.P MAC DADDY on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Your love is... by ChibiMarronchanYour name is...Your kiss is...deliciousYour hugs are...friendlyYour eyes...burn into my heartYour touch is...irresistableYour smell is...refreshingYour smile is...ama...
Posted by BIG P.I.M.P MAC DADDY on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST